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Rest Stop
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Algoma ON P0M ph:
Eastbound, West…
More detailsBainsville
Rest Stop
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Bainsville ON K0C 1E0 ph:
Westbound, 10 t…
More detailsBarrie
Rest Stop
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Barrie ON L4N 0M7 ph:
Northbound, 10…
More detailsBeachville
Rest Stop
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Beachville ON N0J 1A0 ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsBeachville
Rest Stop
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Beachville ON N0J 1A0 ph:
July 2023: user…
More detailsBracebridge
Rest Stop
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Bracebridge ON P0B ph:
Northbound, Sou…
More detailsChatham-Kent
Rest Stop
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Chatham-Kent ON N0P 2L0 ph:
Eastbound, 52 t…
More detailsChatham-Kent
Rest Stop
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Chatham-Kent ON N0P 2L0 ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsChute-Blondeau
Rest Stop
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Chute-Blondeau ON K0B 1B0 ph:
Westbound, Open…
More detailsClarington
Rest Stop
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Clarington ON L0A 1J0 ph:
Westbound, 20 t…
More detailsDeux-Rivieres
Rest Stop
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Deux-Rivieres ON K0J 1R0 ph:
Eastbound, Picn…
More detailsDryden
Rest Stop
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Dryden ON P8N 2P5 ph:
Eastbound, West…
More detailsDutton/Dunwich
Rest Stop
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Dutton/Dunwich ON N0L 1J0 ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsDutton/Dunwich
Rest Stop
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Dutton/Dunwich ON N0L 1J0 ph:
Eastbound, 95 t…
More detailsGreenstone
Rest Stop
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Greenstone ON P0T ph:
Eastbound, 4 tr…
More detailsHearst
Rest Stop
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Hearst ON P0L 1N0 ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsIngleside
Rest Stop
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Ingleside ON K0C 1M0 ph:
Westbound, 24/7…
More detailsIngolf
Rest Stop
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Ingolf ON P0Y 1A0 ph:
Eastbound, 6 tr…
More detailsKenabeek
Rest Stop
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Kenabeek ON P0J 1M0 ph:
Westbound, No F…
More detailsKleinburg
Rest Stop
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Kleinburg ON L0J 1C0 ph:
Northbound, 20 …
More detailsLancaster
Rest Stop
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Lancaster ON K0C 1N0 ph:
May 2014: Perma…
More detailsMallorytown
Rest Stop
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Mallorytown ON K0E 1R0 ph:
Westbound, 45 t…
More detailsMallorytown
Rest Stop
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Mallorytown ON K0E 1R0 ph:
Eastbound, 8 tr…
More detailsMartin
Rest Stop
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Martin ON ph:
Eastbound, 4 Tr…
More detailsMattawa
Rest Stop
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Mattawa ON P0H 1V0 ph:
May 2017: Repor…
More detailsMorriston
Rest Stop
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Morriston ON N0B 2C0 ph:
Westbound, 20 t…
More detailsMorriston
Rest Stop
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Morriston ON N0B 2C0 ph:
Eastbound, 10 t…
More detailsNew Liskeard
Rest Stop
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New Liskeard ON P0J 1P0 ph:
Northbound, No …
More detailsNorth Bay
Rest Stop
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North Bay ON P1B 8G4 ph:
Westbound, 35 t…
More detailsOdessa
Rest Stop
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Odessa ON K0H 2H0 ph:
Eastbound, 40 t…
More detailsOdessa
Rest Stop
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Odessa ON K0H 2H0 ph:
Westbound, 5 tr…
More detailsPort Hope
Rest Stop
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Port Hope ON L1B 1C2 ph:
Eastbound, Rest…
More detailsRainy River
Rest Stop
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Rainy River ON P0W ph:
Westbound, Picn…
More detailsRainy River
Rest Stop
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Rainy River ON P0W ph:
Eastbound, West…
More detailsSesekinika
Rest Stop
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Sesekinika ON P0K 1S0 ph:
Southbound, Res…
More detailsSevern Bridge
Rest Stop
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Severn Bridge ON P0E 1N0 ph:
Northbound, No …
More detailsSharbot Lake
Rest Stop
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Sharbot Lake ON K0H 2P0 ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsShuniah
Rest Stop
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Shuniah ON P0T ph:
Westbound, 30 t…
More detailsShuniah
Rest Stop
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Shuniah ON P0T ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsSioux Narrows Nestor Falls
Rest Stop
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Sioux Narrows Nestor Falls ON P0X ph:
Northbound, Res…
More detailsSouth Dundas
Rest Stop
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South Dundas ON K0C 2G0 ph:
Eastbound, 90 T…
More detailsSouth Dundas
Rest Stop
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South Dundas ON K0C 1X0 ph:
Westbound, 10 t…
More detailsSouth River
Rest Stop
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South River ON P0A 1X0 ph:
Northbound, No …
More detailsSpanish
Rest Stop
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Spanish ON P0P 2A0 ph:
Eastbound, Picn…
More detailsThunder Bay
Rest Stop
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Thunder Bay ON P0T ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsThunder Bay
Rest Stop
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Thunder Bay ON P0T ph:
Westbound, 6 tr…
More detailsThunder Bay
Rest Stop
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Thunder Bay ON P0T ph:
Southbound, Res…
More detailsTrenton
Rest Stop
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Trenton ON K0K 3M0 ph:
Eastbound, Rest…
More detailsTrenton
Rest Stop
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Trenton ON K0K 3M0 ph:
Westbound, 57 t…
More detailsTweed
Rest Stop
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Tweed ON K0K 3J0 ph:
Westbound, Rest…
More detailsWoodbridge
Rest Stop
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Woodbridge ON L4L 2V5 ph:
Southbound, 30 …
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The main section of locators here also includes: Fast food and sit down restaurants, fuel, rest areas, service centers, truck stops and much more. It all stems from my own RV travels and frustrations with finding stuff on the road.
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Camp & RV
The number one camping app. From resorts to hike-in spots. Amenities, maps, truck stops, rest areas, Wal-mart and casino parking, RV dealers, sporting goods stores and much more. Two modes: one uses GPS and maps that you can filter. One is an offline manual lookup mode for when you don't have service.
Truck and Travel
The number one trucker app for iPhone, iPads and iPods. If you drive a big rig, you need this app. If you just drive on road trips in a car and prefer making your stops count, you'll love this app. Amenities, maps, truck stops, rest areas, Wal-mart, truck dealers, clean outs and much more. Two modes: one uses GPS and maps that you can filter. One is an offline manual lookup mode for when you don't have service.