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Location Guides > Rest Stop > Rest Stop In British Columbia

Rest Stop Locations in British Columbia

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108 Mile Ranch

108 Mile
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Rest Area…
108 Mile Ranch BC V0K 2Z0 ph:
Northbound, Sou… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Abbotsford BC ph:
Apr 2023: user … More details


Cole Road
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Rest Area…
Abbotsford BC V3G 2K5 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Johnson Slough
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Rest Area…
Agassiz BC V0M 1A2 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Alberni-Clayoquot D

Taylor River
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Rest Area…
Alberni-Clayoquot D BC ph:
Eastbound, West… More details


Red Hill
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Rest Area…
Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0 ph:
Northbound, Sou… More details


Windy Point
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Rest Area…
Atlin BC V0W ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Rabid Grizzly
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Rest Area…
Atlin BC V0W ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Cottonwood South
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Rest Area…
Atlin BC V0W ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Cottonwood North
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Rest Area…
Atlin BC V0W ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Beaverdam Creek
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Rest Area…
Atlin BC V0W ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


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Rest Area…
Atlin BC V0W ph:
Northbound, Sou… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Atlin BC ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details


Hall Creek
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Rest Area…
Beaverdell BC V0H 1A0 ph:
Northbound, Sou… More details

Blind Channel

Roberts Lake
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Rest Area…
Blind Channel BC V0P 1B0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Boston Bar

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Boston Bar BC V0K 1C0 ph:
Westbound, No F… More details

Boston Bar

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Boston Bar BC V0K 1C0 ph:
Westbound, No F… More details


Mile 80
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Rest Area…
Buick BC V0C 2R0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Bulkley-Nechako A

Hungry Hill
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Rest Area…
Bulkley-Nechako A BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Bulkley-Nechako B

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Rest Area…
Bulkley-Nechako B BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Bulkley-Nechako B

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Rest Area…
Bulkley-Nechako B BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Bulkley-Nechako B

6 Mile Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Bulkley-Nechako B BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Bulkley-Nechako C

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Rest Area…
Bulkley-Nechako C BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Bulkley-Nechako D

Dry William Lake
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Rest Area…
Bulkley-Nechako D BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Burns Lake

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Burns Lake BC V0J 1E3 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details

Burns Lake

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Burns Lake BC V0J 1E3 ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Burns Lake

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Burns Lake BC V0J 1E1 ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Campbell River

Oyster Bay
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Rest Area…
Campbell River BC V9H 1E7 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Cariboo D

Powerline Rest Area
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Rest Area…
Cariboo D BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Cariboo D

Mcleese Lake
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Rest Area…
Cariboo D BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Cariboo D

Marguerite Rest Area
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Rest Area…
Cariboo D BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Cariboo I

Tweedsmuir Chain Off Area Eb
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Rest Area…
Cariboo I BC ph:
Eastbound, West… More details

Cariboo I

Moose Springs
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Rest Area…
Cariboo I BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


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Rest Area…
Castlegar BC V1N 4R6 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


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Rest Area…
Castlegar BC V1N 4M6 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Cedarvale BC V0J 1G0 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Cedarvale BC V0J 1G0 ph:
Westbound, No F… More details


Boulder Creek
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Rest Area…
Cedarvale BC V0J 1G0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Central Kootenay H

Lemon Creek
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Rest Area…
Central Kootenay H BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Central Kootenay K

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Rest Area…
Central Kootenay K BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Central Kootenay K

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Rest Area…
Central Kootenay K BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Central Kootenay K

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Rest Area…
Central Kootenay K BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Charlie Lake

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Rest Area…
Charlie Lake BC V0C 1H0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Chase BC V0E 1M0 ph:
Sep 2016: Repor… More details

Christina Lake

Big Sheep Creek
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Rest Area…
Christina Lake BC V0H 1E3 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Little Fort
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Rest Area…
Clearwater BC V0E 1N2 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Clinton Lookout
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Rest Area…
Clinton BC V0K 1K0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Cobble Hill

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Rest Area…
Cobble Hill BC V0R 1L5 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0E ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, Picn… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Ten Mile Hill Trucker Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Ten Mile Hill Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Kicking Horse
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0A ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0A ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0A ph:
Eastbound, Picn… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC V0A ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Redgrave East
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Columbia-Shuswap A

Redgrave West
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap A BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Columbia-Shuswap B

Galena Bay
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap B BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Columbia-Shuswap B

Shelter Bay
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap B BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Columbia-Shuswap B

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap B BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, Picn… More details

Columbia-Shuswap B

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap B BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, 5 tr… More details

Columbia-Shuswap B

Illecillewaet Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap B BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Columbia-Shuswap B

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap B BC V0E ph:
Westbound, 4-5 … More details

Columbia-Shuswap E

Rutherford Beach
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Rest Area…
Columbia-Shuswap E BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Comox-Strathcona A

Buckley Bay
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Rest Area…
Comox-Strathcona A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Comox-Strathcona D

Big Den
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Rest Area…
Comox-Strathcona D BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Comox-Strathcona H

Big Tree
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Rest Area…
Comox-Strathcona H BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Comox-Strathcona H

Keta Lake
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Rest Area…
Comox-Strathcona H BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Baynes Sound
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Rest Area…
Courtenay BC V9N 9S2 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Cowichan Valley A

Malahat Summit
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Rest Area…
Cowichan Valley A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Cowichan Valley A

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Rest Area…
Cowichan Valley A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

East Kootenay B

Elko Junction
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Rest Area…
East Kootenay B BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

East Kootenay B

Caithness Creek
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Rest Area…
East Kootenay B BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

East Kootenay B

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Rest Area…
East Kootenay B BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

East Kootenay C

Campbell-myer Lake
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Rest Area…
East Kootenay C BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

East Kootenay F

Coys Hill
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Rest Area…
East Kootenay F BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


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Rest Area…
Endako BC V0J 1L0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


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Rest Area…
Farmington BC V0C 1N0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Field BC V0A 1G0 ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Fort Fraser

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Fort Fraser BC V0J 1N0 ph:
Eastbound, West… More details

Fraser Valley B

Coquihalla Lakes Nb
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Rest Area…
Fraser Valley B BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Fraser Valley B

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Fraser Valley B BC V0X 2L0 ph:
Northbound, Sou… More details

Fraser-Fort George E

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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George E BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Fraser-Fort George F

Slim Creek
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George F BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Fraser-Fort George F

Bowron River
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George F BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Fraser-Fort George G

Crooked River
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George G BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Rest Picnic Area
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Rest Picnic Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC V0E ph:
Westbound, Picn… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Mt Terry Fox 5
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Tete Jaune Cache
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC V0E ph:
Eastbound, 2 tr… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Mt Terry Fox 16
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Small River
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC V0J ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Baker Creek
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Fraser-Fort George H

Goat River
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Rest Area…
Fraser-Fort George H BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Braisher Creek
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Rest Area…
Golden BC V0A 1H4 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Golden BC V0A 1H2 ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Grand Forks

Wilgress Lake
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Rest Area…
Grand Forks BC V0H 1H0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


East Pine
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Rest Area…
Groundbirch BC V0C 1T0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


Lees Corner
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Rest Area…
Hanceville BC V0L 1K0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Hush Lake
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Rest Area…
Hixon BC V0K 1S0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Hope Slide
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Rest Area…
Hope BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Hunter Creek
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Rest Area…
Hope BC V0X 1L2 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Lake Of The Woods
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Rest Area…
Hope BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Hope BC V0X 1L3 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details


Britton Creek
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Rest Area…
Hope BC V0X 1L0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


Weigh Scale #1 East
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Kamloops BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Fish Trap
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Rest Area…
Kamloops BC V2B ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


American Railway
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Rest Area…
Keremeos BC V0X 1N1 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Yellow Lake #2
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Rest Area…
Keremeos BC V0X 1N6 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Yellow Lake #1
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Rest Area…
Keremeos BC V0X 1N6 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Cherry Creek
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Rest Area…
Kimberley BC V1A 3L5 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine A

Brown Bear
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine A BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine A

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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine A

Bell 1
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine A

Mehan (hodder) Lake
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine A

Red Flats Memorial
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine C (Part 1)

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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine C (Part 1) BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Kitimat-Stikine D

Bob Quinn Airstrip
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine D BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine D

Eastman Creek
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine D BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine D

Eddontenajon North
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine D BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Kitimat-Stikine D

Morchuea Lake
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Rest Area…
Kitimat-Stikine D BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Kitwanga BC V0J 2A0 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details


Moonlit Creek
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Rest Area…
Kitwanga BC V0J 2A0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


Knutsford Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Knutsford BC V0E 2A0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Logan Lake

Coquihalla Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Logan Lake BC V0K 1W0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Lone Butte

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Rest Area…
Lone Butte BC V0K 1X2 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


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Rest Area…
Lytton BC V0K 1Z0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Malahat BC V0R 2L0 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Malakwa BC V0E 2J0 ph:
Mar 2021: Repor… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Malakwa BC V0E 2J0 ph:
Eastbound, 10 t… More details


The Last Spike
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Rest Area…
Malakwa BC V0E 2J0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Monte Creek

Monte Creek
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Rest Area…
Monte Creek BC V0E 2M0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Mount Waddington C

Misty Lake
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Rest Area…
Mount Waddington C BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Mount Waddington D

Eve River
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Rest Area…
Mount Waddington D BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Nanaimo BC V9X 1T2 ph:
Westbound, Picn… More details

Nanaimo A

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Rest Area…
Nanaimo A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Nanoose Bay

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Rest Area…
Nanoose Bay BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Add/Read Reviews
Rest Area…
Nelson BC V1L 6S4 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

New Denver

Lost Creek
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Rest Area…
New Denver BC V0G 1S1 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

New Denver

Fish Lake
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Rest Area…
New Denver BC V0G 1S0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

New Denver

Summit Lake
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Rest Area…
New Denver BC V0G 1S1 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

North Okanagan E

Lost Lake
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Rest Area…
North Okanagan E BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Northern Rockies A

Fort Nelson River
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Rest Area…
Northern Rockies A BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Okanagan-Similkameen H

Elkhart (loon Lake) Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Okanagan-Similkameen H BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Anarchist Mountain
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Rest Area…
Osoyoos BC V0H 1V6 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Peace River E

Del North Rest Area
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Rest Area…
Peace River E BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Peace River E

West Pine River
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Rest Area…
Peace River E BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Port Edward

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Port Edward BC ph:
Eastbound, Picn… More details


Mine Hill
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Rest Area…
Princeton BC V0X 1W0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


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Rest Area…
Quesnel BC V2J 6L6 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Loon Lake Chainup
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Rest Area…
Quilchena BC V0E 2R0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Hamilton Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Quilchena BC V0E 2R0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Nicola Lake
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Rest Area…
Quilchena BC V0E 2R0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Stump Lake
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Rest Area…
Quilchena BC V0E 2R0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


Add/Read Reviews
Rest Area…
Revelstoke BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Revelstoke BC V0E ph:
Westbound, East… More details


Kootenay Bay
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Rest Area…
Riondel BC V0B 2B0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Riske Creek

Sheep Creek Brake Check
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Rest Area…
Riske Creek BC V0L 1T0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Mcrae Creek
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Rest Area…
Rossland BC V0G 1Y0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Bridal Lake
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Rest Area…
Salmo BC V0G 1Z0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Erie Lake
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Rest Area…
Salmo BC V0G 1Z0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Salmon Arm

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Rest Area…
Salmon Arm BC V1E 3J1 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


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Rest Area…
Sanca BC V0B 1A2 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Twin Bays
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Rest Area…
Sanca BC V0B 1A2 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Savona BC V0K 2J0 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details


Kamloops Lake
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Rest Area…
Savona BC V0K 2J0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Silverton Lookout
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Rest Area…
Silverton BC V0G 2B0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Skeena-Queen Charlotte A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Skeena-Queen Charlotte A BC V0V ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Skeena-Queen Charlotte A

Telegraph Point
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Rest Area…
Skeena-Queen Charlotte A BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Skeena-Queen Charlotte A

Basalt Creek
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Rest Area…
Skeena-Queen Charlotte A BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details

Skeena-Queen Charlotte A

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Skeena-Queen Charlotte A BC V0V ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Skeena-Queen Charlotte E

Grassy Bay
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Rest Area…
Skeena-Queen Charlotte E BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Glacier View
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Rest Area…
Smithers BC V0J 2N0 ph:
Eastbound, West… More details


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Rest Area…
Sparwood BC V0B 2G0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Add/Read Reviews
Rest Area…
Sparwood BC V0B 2G0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Add/Read Reviews
Rest Area…
Sparwood BC ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Spences Bridge

Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Spences Bridge BC V0K 2L0 ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details


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Rest Area…
Spillimacheen BC V0A 1P0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Stikine Region

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Rest Area…
Stikine Region BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Swansea Point

Mara Lake
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Rest Area…
Swansea Point BC V0E 2K2 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Swansea Point

Shuswap Lake
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Rest Area…
Swansea Point BC V0E 2K2 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Westbound, Rest… More details

Ta Ta Creek

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Rest Area…
Ta Ta Creek BC V0B 2H0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Tatla Lake

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Rest Area…
Tatla Lake BC V0L 1V0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


South Taylor Hill
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Rest Area…
Taylor BC V0C 2K0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


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Rest Area…
Telkwa BC V0J 2X2 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Rest Area…
Telkwa BC V0J 2X2 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details


Bulkley View
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Rest Area…
Telkwa BC V0J 2X1 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Sanderson Point
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Rest Area…
Terrace BC V8G 0A8 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details

Thompson-Nicola A

Birch Island
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Rest Area…
Thompson-Nicola A BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Thompson-Nicola A

Rest Stop
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Thompson-Nicola A BC ph:
Eastbound, West… More details

Thompson-Nicola B

Wire Cache
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Rest Area…
Thompson-Nicola B BC ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details

Thompson-Nicola B

Messiter Summit
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Rest Area…
Thompson-Nicola B BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Thompson-Nicola B

Thunder River
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Thompson-Nicola B BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Thompson-Nicola I

Rest Stop
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Thompson-Nicola I BC V0K ph:
Eastbound, Rest… More details

Thompson-Nicola M

Clapperton Brake Check
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Thompson-Nicola M BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Thompson-Nicola N

Rest Stop
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Thompson-Nicola N BC V0X ph:
Southbound, Res… More details

Thompson-Nicola N

Gulliford Lake
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Thompson-Nicola N BC ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Halibut Bight
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Tlell BC V0T 1Y0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


Salt Flats Rest Area
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Tomslake BC V0C 2L0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Rest Stop
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Topley BC V0J 2Y0 ph:
Westbound, Rest… More details


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Rest Area…
Topley BC V0J 2Y0 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


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Rest Area…
Topley BC V0J 2Y0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


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Rest Area…
Trail BC V1R ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Rest Stop
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Tulameen BC V0X 2L0 ph:
Southbound, Nor… More details


Rest Stop
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Vanderhoof BC V0J 3A3 ph:
Eastbound, West… More details


Cluculz Lake
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Vanderhoof BC ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


Rest Stop
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Vanderhoof BC V0J ph:
Westbound, Picn… More details


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Wells BC V0K ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Bowron Lake
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Wells BC V0K 2R0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


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Westbridge BC V0H 2B0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

Williams Lake

Hwy #97 Brake Check
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Williams Lake BC V2G ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Hoomak Lake
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Woss BC V0N 3P0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Eagles Nest
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Woss BC V0N 3P0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Blazed Creek
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Wynndel BC V0B 2N1 ph:
Eastbound, Open… More details


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Rest Area…
Yahk BC V0B 2P0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Kidd Creek
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Yahk BC V0B 2P0 ph:
Westbound, Open… More details


Box Canyon
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Rest Area…
Yale BC V0K 2S0 ph:
Northbound, Ope… More details


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Rest Area…
Yale BC V0K 2S0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Coquihalla Lakes Sb
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Yale BC V0K 2S0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details


Stewart Creek
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Rest Area…
Ymir BC V0G 2K0 ph:
Southbound, Ope… More details

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The main section of locators here also includes: Fast food and sit down restaurants, fuel, rest areas, service centers, truck stops and much more. It all stems from my own RV travels and frustrations with finding stuff on the road.

Indie Truck Stops
CAT Scales
AM Best
Flying J Travel Plazas
Thermo King
Loves Travel Stops
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Truck Dealers
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Pilot Travel Centers
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TA Travel Centers
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Featured Apps

Camp & RV
The number one camping app. From resorts to hike-in spots. Amenities, maps, truck stops, rest areas, Wal-mart and casino parking, RV dealers, sporting goods stores and much more. Two modes: one uses GPS and maps that you can filter. One is an offline manual lookup mode for when you don't have service.
Truck and Travel
The number one trucker app for iPhone, iPads and iPods. If you drive a big rig, you need this app. If you just drive on road trips in a car and prefer making your stops count, you'll love this app. Amenities, maps, truck stops, rest areas, Wal-mart, truck dealers, clean outs and much more. Two modes: one uses GPS and maps that you can filter. One is an offline manual lookup mode for when you don't have service.

Pro Truck List

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