WM > Iowa > Knoxville Walmart Supercenter
814 West Bell Ave, Hwy 5 Exit 62, Northeast corner of exit, Knoxville IA 50138
Store #2935, (S)
April 2023, called and were told OK to park by the garden center. Two Semis parked there as well, it was quiet and felt very safe. Would definitely stop there again., Fuel: G Aug 2022: RV. No issues. July 2018: Park by car wash. Do not park by small parking lot by dock door. Signage states no trucks (in that area). Semis still park there and will lose opportunity to park at store if semis continue to do so. May 2016: smaller Supercenter but there is still plenty of room. Park over by the lawn and garden section so you are away from the housing development.... More reports/details
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