Haunted Hotels > Elms Resort and Spa

Elms Resort and Spa - $$$

Hotel Address:

401 Regent Street, Excelsior Springs MO 64024, 800-843-3567

2 restaurants - 2 lounges - pet friendly hotel

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Read the ghost story below...


Elms Resort and Spa Ghost Story

The Excelsior Springs Company built the Elms Hotel in 1888. Destroyed by fire in 1898, it was rebuilt in 1909. Destroyed again by fire in 1910 and was rebuilt with fire-safe Missouri limestone in 1912.

Harry S. Truman stayed here when he thought he was losing the 1948 presidential election. He woke up here a winner.

The lap pool in the basement is haunted by a man from the hotels prohibition days as a speakeasy. This spirit was said to be killed by the mob here. Al Capone threw parties at this hotel.

The third floor of the hotel is inhabitated by a maid in a 1920s style uniform. She seems to keep an eye on the housekeeping staff today.

Another ghost is that of a woman looking for her child. She has reportedly pulled people's hair and thrown things across a room.

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