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I-35 Ex 359, 1221 N Pecan St…
10 truck parking spaces - ATM - Laundry - Scales - TCH - CFN (TS)…
Abbotts Travel Center 

1197 I-35…
25 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 Diesel lanes - 6 Showers - Krispy Krunchy Chicken - Hunt Brother…
Valero Adrian Travel Stop 

1790 I-40…
Mar 2021: Fairly new rebuild - please report - small truck parking area - 3 diesel lanes (TS)…

US281, 5015 S. US Route 281…
20 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - small stop - Air fill - ATM - propane tanks - Fuelman (TS)…
Times Market 

Hwy 281, 1205 Old Falfurrias Hwy…
20 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Tex Best 524 

2822 TX 359…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 Diesel lanes - Red Pepper Deli - Whataburger next door (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-45 Exit 246, FM 1183…
Fax: 972-875-8137 - 135 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 9 diesel lanes - 8 Showers - Godfathers Pizza - Sub…
Stop N Shop 

Hwy 69, 105 N Marcus St…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH (TS)…
Shell Travel Center 

I-35W Ex 24, 1203 S Parkway Dr…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Lube Service - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Alvarado Shell 

5601 E Hwy 67, new station in 2012…
8 truck parking spaces - 2 diesel pumps - small stop - Fuelman - user submitted (TS)…
Alvarado Shell 

1203 S Parkway, Interstate 35W & County Rd 401 Exi…
no parking - 24/7 - TSE AireDock (TS)…
Golden Express Truck Stop 

Hwy 287, 8417 N US Highway 287…
35 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Engine Repair - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-40 Exit 76, 9601 I-40 E Exit 76…
Fax: 806-335-1058 - 200 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 13 showers - Dennys - Propane - RV Dump Statio…
Hana Travel Plaza 

11301 I-40 East…
June 2015: Open again under new name - 60 truck parking spaces (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

8615 Canyon Dr., I-27 Exit 116…
Fax: 806-355-0490 - 20 parking spaces - store - 3 diesel lanes - Subway - 3 Bulk DEF - ATM - Internet - P…
Loves Travel Stop 

14701 I-40 West, I-40 Exit 60…
Fax: 806-353-1764 - 20 parking spaces - store - 4 diesel lanes - Subway - 4 Bulk DEF - ATM - Internet - P…
Loves Travel Stop 

6930 I-40 East, I-40 Exit 74A…
Fax: 806-373-5848 - 40 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Godfathers Pizza - RV…
Petro Center 

I-40, Exit 75 at Lakeside Drive, 8500 E I-40 at La…
Fax: 806-378-3634 - 280 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
Pilot Travel Center 

I-40 Exit 75, 715 South Lakeside Drive…
Fax: 806-335-2868 - 90 parking spaces - 11 diesel lanes - 12 showers - Wingfoot Truck Care - McDonalds - …
TA Travel Center 

I-40 & Whitaker, Exit 74, 7000 E. Interstate 40…
Fax: 806-371-8486 - 185 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - (RV parking is in front alon…

Hwy 385, 1112 S. Main St…
4 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

Hwy 385 / Loop 1910, 1201 S. Main St…
Fax: 432-524-2107 - 50 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - McDonalds - ATM - 7 Bulk DEF -…
Loves Travel Stop 

2301 FM 523…
Fax: 979-849-5943 - 83 parking spaces (No RVs overnight) - Store - 6 diesel lanes - Showers - Carls Jr - …
Flying J Travel Plaza 

Hwy 75, Exit 48, 714 South Central Expressway…
Fax: 972-924-2051 - 100 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 8 showers - Huddle House - 8 Bulk DEF - CAT Sca…
Loves Travel Stop 

715 S. Central Expressway, 75…
Fax: 972-924-3697 - 50 parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - RV Dump Station($1…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-10 Exit 0, 3001 Mountain Pass Blvd…
Fax: 915-886-3522 - 176 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Dennys - 12 Bulk DEF - Propane - …
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 0, 3000 Mountain Pass…
Fax: 915-886-3634 - 100 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Chesters - McDonalds - ATM - …
Pilot Travel Center 

I-10 Exit 0, 2015 Antonio Street…
Fax: 915-886-3404 - 100 parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - 5 showers - Wingfoot Truck Care - Subway - Wend…

2007 W Main St…
no real parking - 24/7 Store - 2 Diesel Lanes- Grandys Restaurant (TS)…

12200 FM-969…
2 truck parking spaces - 1 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-20 Exit 307, 1333 US Hwy 283 N…
Fax: 325-854-0092 - 70 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Chesters Chicken - Subway - 7 …

US67, 1801 Hutchins Ave…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Bastrop Exxon 

1273 W Highway 71…
no parking - 3 diesel lanes with snug turn - small stop (TS)…
MoreBay City

5620 7th St…
15 truck parking spaces - 3 Diesel lanes - Deli (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-10 & Exit 789 Thompson Road, 1876 East Freeway…
Fax: 281-424-7730 - 200 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - Propane - R…
Baytown Valero 

1600 S Hwy 146…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Fuelman (TS)…
Baytown Express Travel Plaza 

1901 East Fwy…
25 truck parking spaces - Restaurant/Deli - Store - Showers - Laundromat - Scales - CFN - Fuelman (TS)…
North Main Mart 

I-10 Ex 793 (N Main St), 6110 East Fwy…
40 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - Scales - TCH (TS)…
Sun Mart 

I-10 Ex 797 (Hwy 146), 10330 East Fwy Service Rd…
40 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - Popeyes - Sonic next door - ATM - Laundry …
Conoco Travel Plaza 

I-10 Exit 797…
80 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - TripPak - FedEx…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 789, 1703 I-10…
Fax: 281-426-6982 - 160 parking spaces - store - 11 diesel lanes - showers - McDonalds - 11 Bulk DEF - AT…
TA Travel Center 

I-10 & Thompson Rd., Exit 789, 6800 Thompson Road…
Fax: 281-424-3372 - 173 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
Time Maxx 

I-10 Ex 803, 16160 Interstate 10 E…
27 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - July 2016: New so still adding amenities (TS)…
I-10 Travel Plaza 

I-10 Ex 803, 16151 Interstate 10 Service Rd.…
95 truck parking spaces - 6 Diesel lanes - Subway - Churchs Chicken (TS)…
On Route Chevron 

7730 East Fwy…
no truck parking - 24/7 Store - 2 Diesel lanes - Deli - Propane - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Travel Store - …
TA Express 

5490 N Hwy 146…
35 Truck Parking Spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 Diesel Lanes - 3 Showers - Cantina Restaurant - Cinnabon - Schlo…
786 Truck Stop 

7122 South Highway 59…
15 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - Internet - ATM - Air fill - Pay phone - propane…
Pilot Travel Center 

525 1st Street, Hwy 59…
Fax: 978-387-2111 - 56 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Arbys - Cinnabon Laundr…
Petro Center 

I-10, Exit 848 at Walden Road, 5405 Walden Rd…
Fax: 409-842-7228 - 275 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 843, 7495 Smith Rd…
Fax: 409-840-9620 - 115 parking spaces - 10 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - Chesters Chicken - Godfather…
Cefco Store 

I-35 Ex 293a, 1600 S. Highway Blvd…
8 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreBig Lake
Pilot Travel Center 

1310 E. Hwy 67…
Fax: 325-884-2708 - 40 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 diesel lanes - 3 showers - PJ Fresh - Cinnabon - T…
MoreBig Spring
Pilot Travel Center 

706 E. I-20. Exit 178…
Fax: 432-264-7050 - 70 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - McDonalds - Deli - Internet - Laundr…
MoreBig Spring
TA Travel Center 

I-20 & Hwy 87, Exit 177, 704 West Interstate 20…
Fax: 432-263-0418 - 108 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 6 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…

Hwy 281, 1138 S. US Highway 281…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Star Travel Center 

2606 FM 174…
80 truck parking spaces - 4 pumps - 4 showers - 24/7 store - Brothers Pizza - laundry - DAT - FedEx - UPS…

Hwy 87 and Hwy 377, 2013 S Bridge St…
2 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Stripes - Fuelman (TS)…
Berklys Travel Center 

2340 S Bridge St…
15 truck parking spaces - Store - 3 Diesel lanes - 2 Showers - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM -…

Hwy 6, 16194 N. State Highway 6…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Bridgeport Truck Stop 

US380/Hwy 114 and Hwy 101, 99 US Route 380…
10 truck parking spaces - TSE AireDock (TS)…
Diamond W Truck Stop 

101 US 380…
no parking - 4 diesel lanes (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

2300 Hwy 380…
Fax: 940-683-3792 - 50 parking spaces - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - 5 Bulk DEF - ATM - Internet - …

US277, 101 S. State St…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-10 Exit 732, 204 South Waller Ave (entrances off…
Fax: 281-934-4153 - 117 parking spaces - 10 diesel lanes - 9 showers - Boss Shop - Dennys - Pepperonis - …
Brookshire Citgo 

I-10 Ex 732, 306 S Waller Ave…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…
Chisums Travel Center 

US62/US82/US385, 1106 Lubbock Rd…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - Internet - Travel Store - Fuelman (TS)…

Fm802/Fm507, 2305 N Indiana Ave…
no parking - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

3400 Nafta Pkwy…
Fax: 956-831-6772 - 39 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 Diesel lanes - 4 Showers - Chesters - Godfathers P…
Allsups #84 

3480 Highway 377 South…
50 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - store - deli -BBQ Restaurant (TS)…

US84/US67, 601 W Commerce St…
2 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…

3801 US 377…
15 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Fas-Start Market 

Hwy 21, 2714 Hwy 21 W…
15 truck parking spaces - Deli - ATM - Truck Wash - Fuelman (TS)…
Speedy Stop 

US190/Hwy 21, 3401 Hwy 21 E…
15 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

2890 N Harvey Mitchell Pkwy…
25 truck parking spaces - 5 diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - Dennys - ATM - Game Room - Check Cashing (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

Hwy 183 and Hwy 21, 13700 US Highway 183 S…
Fax: 512-398-3423 - 20 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 4 diesel lanes - 2 showers - 2 Bulk DEF - McDo…
Tiger Mart Exxon 

I-45 Ex 178 (US79), 2430 W Commerce St…
8 truck parking spaces - rough gravel lot - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes - Subway - ATM - CAT Scales - mot…

I-45 and US79, 2431 W Commerce St…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-45 Ex 178 (US79), 2605 E Commerce St/Hwy 79…
Fax: 903-322-9047 - 80 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - Trucker Lounge - 7 Showers - …
Buna General Store 

US96/US92, 35043 Us Highway 96 S…
no parking - 4 diesel lanes (TS)…
Highway 96 Fuel Stop 

US96, 35024 US Route 96 S.…
7 truck parking spaces in back - 2 diesel lanes - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

2501 S Water St…
15 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - Store - ATM (TS)…
MoreCaddo Mills
Mega Truck Stop Texaco 

I-30 Ex 87, 2819 W. Interstate 30…
10 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - TCH (TS)…
MoreCaddo Mills
Pilot Travel Center 

I-30 & FM 1903 Exit 87…
Fax: 903-527-2103 - 80 parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 6 showers - Internet - Laundry - CAT Scales - 8 …

Hwy 21, 4360 Highway 21 W.…
10 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Rocking G Oil Company 

1630-1698 Presidential Corridor…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes in back on south side (TS)…

US77/US190, 1 East St…
35 truck parking spaces - 2 showers - 6 diesel pumps - trucker lounge - laundry deli - BBQ Restaurant - A…
Oasis Truck Stop 

US60 and US83…
10 truck parking spaces - Fuelman (TS)…
Dukes Travel Plaza 

21620 I-20, Exit 523…
25 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes - BBQ Smokehouse - Taco Casa - ATM - propane - Air …
Pilot Travel Center 

9800 Interstate 20, I-20 Exit 533…
Fax: 903-829-1605 - 35 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 5 diesel lanes - 4 showers - 5 Bulk DEF - Long…
TA Express 

I-10, Exit 2 at Vinton, 601 Westway Blvd…
Fax: 915-886-5767 - 65 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 7 Diesel Lanes - Satellite Pu…
MoreCarrizo Springs
Pilot Travel Center 

1045 S Hwy 83…
Fax: 830-876-9768 - 75 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Cinnabon - Laundry - CA…
TA Express 

I-20, US Hwy 59, 1086 US 59 South…
Fax: 903-690-0273 - 50 Truck Parking Spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 Diesel Lanes - 4 Showers - Dennys 24 hr - Tr…
Panola Pines Plaza 

South Loop at Forsythe Street…
50 truck parking spaces - all paved - 24/7 Store - 5 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Whistle Stop Restaurant (…
BF Graves Truck Stop 

1025 U.S. 59…
30 truck parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - Churches Chicken - ATM - Laundry - Engine Repair - mot…
MoreCedar Creek

2850 TX-71…
no parking - 24/7 Store - 2 Diesel lanes - McDonalds - ATM (TS)…
Woodys Shell 

I-45 Ex 164 (Hwy 7), 1021 W. St Marys St…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
USA Truck Stop 

I-10E Ex 785, 17129 Market St…
10 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - Truck Wash - TCH - Fuelman (…

I-10 Ex 785, 17124 East Fwy…
30 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Fuelman - Apr 2012: If you need heart burn…
Cobra Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 785, 17141 East Fwy…
20 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-10 Exit 783, 102 South Sheldon Road…
Fax: 281-457-1459 - 85 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Cinnabon - Laundry - CA…
Pilot Travel Center 

US83 and US287, 2301 Avenue F NW…
Fax: 940-937-8768 - 81 truck parking spaces - 7 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Arbys - Cinnabon - ATM - CAT S…

US83 and US287, 2304 Avenue F NW…
81 truck parking spaces - 7 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Subway - ATM - CAT Scale - Game Room - Money Order…
Flying J US Dealer 

16851 IH 20, I-20/SH206 Exit 330…
120 truck parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - ATM - Dennys - 8 Bulk DEF - CAT Scales - Transflo…
Cowpokes Convenience Store 

I-20 Ex 332 (US183), 2112 Conrad Hilton Blvd…
3 truck parking spaces (TS)…

1898 Texas 206…
40 truck parking spaces - 5 Diesel lanes - Showers - Laredo Taco Company (TS)…

US 287 and 331 West 1st Street…
10 parking spaces - 24/7 store - 2 diesel lanes - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-40 & Conway, I-40 Exit 96…
Fax: 806-537-5720 - 20 parking spaces - store - 4 diesel lanes - Subway - 4 Bulk DEF - ATM - Internet - P…
Kountry Mart 

Hwy 105, 18919 Highway 105…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

Hwy 59 & FM 2025, 59 & FM 2025…
Fax: 281-593-0906 - 90 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - ATM - 7 Bulk DEF - Int…
Xpress Fuel 

1590 Clint Cutoff Road…
60 truck parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - Subway - Dickys BBQ - motel nearby (TS)…
Road Ranger 

US77 and TX107, 18337 Templeton Ave…
62 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel lanes - 3 showers - Bulk DEF - Internet - Trucker Lounge …
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 523, 43 US Highway 87…
Fax: 830-995-2784 - 50 parking spaces - 24/7 store - 7 diesel lanes - 5 showers - McDonalds - Subway - In…

Corner of FM 3083 and N Frazier St…
10 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes (TS)…
San Antonio Travel Center 

I-10 Ex 585, 8755 I-10 East…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/t Store - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - TripPak - Engine Repair - Tra…

I-10 Ex 593, 14425 I-10 E…
3 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - ATM - TCH (TS)…
MoreCorpus Christi
Corpus Christi Truck Stop 

I-37 Ex 3a, 1302 Navigation Blvd…
12 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - Scales - TCH (TS)…
MoreCorpus Christi
Corpus Christ Truck Stop 36 

1302 Navigation Boulevard…
30 truck parking spaces - RVs welcome - Fuelman (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-35, Exit 69, 921 N. IH 35…
Fax: 830-879-5359 - 77 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - PJ Fresh - Subway - Cinnabon - Laund…

I-35 Ex 67…
30 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Bigs 301 

I-35 Ex 67, 1162 FM 468…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

I35, Exit 67…
no parking (TS)…

101 N Main St…
2-3 truck parking spaces - 1 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…
MoreCrystal City
Cleos Travel Center Shell 

Hwy 83, 1901 N Highway 83…
25 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

1050 N Esplanade St…
7 truck parking spaces - 2 diesel lanes - ATM - Propane tanks…
Topps Exxon 

US259, 304 Broadnax St…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Mazzios Pizza and Stop 

US87, 1107 Highway 87…
15 truck parking spaces - showers - small stop - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

12182 Hwy 87 N…
Fax: 806-244-0071 - 70 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - 4 showers - Godfathers Pizza - Ches…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-20 Exit 472, 7425 Bonnie View Road…
Fax: 972-225-3681 - 150 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Boss Shop - Dennys - Rolling Stro…
Dallas Super Truck Wash and Lube 

I-20 Ex 470, 2510 Cherry Valley Blvd…
no parking - Trucker Lounge - Laundry - TCH (TS)…
Eliza USA Travel Center 

I-20 Ex 470, 8181 S Lancaster Rd…
100 truck parking spaces (free for 2 hours) - 5 diesel lanes - 6 showers - Subway - Popeyes - ATM - Laund…
Marlows Fuel Center 

I-20 Ex 479a (US175), 11810 C F Hawn Fwy…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

5909 W Davis St…
25 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - Air fill - Pay phone - Fuelman (TS)…
Fuel City 

I-30 Ex 44 Or I-35E Ex 428, 801 S Industrial Blvd…
no parking - Used to have parking but sold the lot - 6 Diesel Lanes - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (…
Knox Fuel Stop 

2221 Irving Blvd…
5 truck parking spaces - Comdata - TransFunds (TS)…
Quick Fuel-Lombardy #5303 

I-35E Ex 438, 2682 Lombardy Ln…
no parking - Fleet One - EFS - Comdata - TransFunds - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

8800 S Polk Street, I-20 Exit 466…
Fax: 972-224-8560 - 30 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - RV Dump Station($1…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-20 Exit 470, 8787 South Lancaster Road…
Fax: 972-228-4386 - 150 parking spaces - 10 diesel lanes - 8 showers - Wendys - 10 Bulk DEF - Internet - …
TA Travel Center 

I-20 & I-635, Exit 472, 7751 Bonnie View Rd…
Fax: 469-941-3155 - 136 Truck Parking Spaces - $25 - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - Preferred Parking - 8 …
Tiger Tote 101 

Hwy 31, 107 E. Highway 31…
3 truck parking spaces - Restaurant - Subway - ATM - Road Service - Travel Store - Fuelman (TS)…

8801 US-90…
15 truck parking spaces - 2 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…
Kathys Shell 

I-287 Ex 730, 2105 S College Ave…
25 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Allsups Fina Station 

1305 South Highway 287…
10 truck spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Fuelman (TS)…
Decatur Shell Truck stop 

1306 E Business Hwy 380…
50 truck parking spaces - 6 pumps - 24/7 store - restaurant - FedEx - ATM - Travel Store - TCH - Fleet On…
MoreDeer Park
Loves Travel Stop 

Hwy 225 and Independence Parkway…
Fax: 281-479-3551 - 60 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - McDonalds - Chesters - 7 Bulk DEF - Inte…
MoreDel Rio
Stripes #210 

220 Spur 239…
30 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 4 diesel lanes - showers - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Golden Express Travel Center 

I-35 Ex 469 (US380), 3200 W University Dr…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

8900 I-35, I-35 Exit 473…
Fax: 940-565-9434 - 20 parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - Subway - 5 Bulk DEF - ATM - Internet - P…
TA Travel Center 

I-35 & U.S. 77, Exit 471, MM 471, 6420 North I-35…
Fax: 940-898-1527 - 180 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 8 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…
Loves Travel Stop 

6421 N I-35…
Fax: 940-320-1461 - 85 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 9 Diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Wendys - Godfath…
Devers Food & Fuel 

107 US 90…
no parking - 2 Diesel lanes - small stop - driver submitted (TS)…

I-35 Ex 84 (Hwy 85), 17294 S. Interstate Highway 3…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - motel - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Phillips 66 

16250 IH-35 S…
15 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Car Wash - Air Fill - ATM - Churchs Chicken - Propane tanks…
Loves Travel Stop 

22406 N Hwy 59…
Fax: 903-796-1756 - 100 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - 5 Showers - Chesters Chicken - God…
Loves Travel Stop 

545 W I-2…
Fax: 956-464-1142 - 94 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - ATM - 8 Bulk DEF …
Frontier Fuel Travel Center 

US287, 1603 S. Dumas Ave…
20 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - Laundry - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

720 N Dumas Ave…
Fax: 806-934-0083 - 45 parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - showers - Chesters Chicken - Godfather Pizza - L…
MoreEagle Lake

US90, 505 E. Main St…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreEagle Pass
Mr. Cartender Shell 

3165 Del Rio Blvd…
50 truck parking spaces ($10) - 24/7 Store - 3 diesel lanes - Chesters Chicken - CAT Scales - Fuelman (TS…
MoreEagle Pass
Pilot Travel Center 

Hwy 57 and Hwy 277, 3202 US Highway 57…
Fax: 830-752-5971 - Pilot dealer location - 50 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 5 showers - 6 Bulk…
MoreEagle Pass

4377 El Indio Hwy…
5 truck parking spaces - 2 diesel lanes - Air Fill - Propane fill…
MoreEast Bernard
786 Truck Stop 

Hwy 59, 10400 Highway 59…
5 truck parking spaces - Store - 3 Diesel lanes - 2 Showers - Subway - Chesters Chicken - Trucker Lounge …
MoreEast Haskell
Stripes 2264 

106 North 1st Street…
no parking - 3 diesel lanes - motel next door - Dairy Queen across corner - Fuelman (TS)…
Red Star Truck Terminal 

I-20 Ex 340, 11619 Interstate 20…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

Hwy 281 & FM 1925, 1305 East Monte Cristo Road…
Fax: 956-316-4732 - 200 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 9 showers - Propane - RV Dump Station($10/$7.50…

1606 E Richardson…
5 truck parking spaces - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

8420 N. Expressway 281, Hwy 281…
Fax: 956-316-3968 - 80 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Fried Chicke…
TA Travel Center 

Hwy. 281, Exit FM 2812, 8301 N.Hwy 281…
Fax: 956-383-2310 - 105 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 6 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…
Loves Travel Stop 

1509 E Rose St, Hwy 59 Exit Milby Rd…
Fax: 361-782-2786 - 50 parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - RV Dump Station($10) …
MoreEl Campo
El Campo Truck Stop Exxon 

US59 Ex 960, 21411 US Highway 59…
30 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreEl Paso
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-10 and Exit 37, 1301 Horizon Blvd…
Aug 2023: user reports the store offers traveling trailer and big RV rigs overnight parking for $18., Fax…
MoreEl Paso
C and R Airway Chevron 

I-10 Ex 25 (Airway Blvd), 6700 Gateway Blvd E…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - TCH (TS)…
MoreEl Paso
Loves Travel Stop 

1300 Horizon Blvd., I-10 Exit 37…
Fax: 915-852-2370 - 90 parking spaces - store - 9 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Fried Chicke…
MoreEl Paso
Petro Center 

I-10, Exit 37 at Horizon Blvd., 1295 Horizon Blvd…
Fax: 915-790-4524 - 290 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
MoreEl Paso
Lion Gate 

1130 Joe Battle Blvd…
no truck parking - 2 diesel lanes - Car Wash - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…
MoreEl Paso

1350 Joe Battle Blvd…
no parking - 24/7 Store - 2 Diesel lanes (TS)…
MoreElm Mott
Eds Truck Stop 

I-35 Ex 343, 337 S McLennan Loop…
15 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Engine Repair - Scales - T…

I-37 Ex 130, 13954 Interstate 37 S…
1 truck parking spaces if lucky - Restaurant/Deli - Store - Showers - Lounge - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuelm…

Hwy 107, 911 W Edinburg Ave…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Road Ranger 

I-35 Exit 39, 45 East State Highway 44…
85 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - 7 Showers - Churchs - Bulk DEF - Internet - CAT S…
Tiger Mart 

I-45 Ex 249 (Hwy 75), 3105 S. Kaufman…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Truck Wash - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Fast Trak 

I-10 Ex 49, 1790 N. Fabens Rd…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - TCH (TS)…
Exxon Truck Stop 

I-45 Ex 197, 881 W US Highway 84…
10 truck parking spaces - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Shell Truck Stop 

466 Interstate 45 W…
26-85 truck parking spaces - RVs welcome - ATM - Engine Repair - TCH (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

299 IH 45, I-45 Exit 198…
Fax: 903-389-1861 - 40 parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Burger King - RV Dump Station(…
Pilot Travel Center 

Hwy 281, 1419 S. US Highway 281…
Fax: 361-325-1171 - 44 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - PJ Fresh - Dunkin Donuts Expre…

Hwy 281 and FM285, 500 E Rice St…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Flatonia Travel Center 

I-10 Ex 661 (Hwy 95)…
20 truck parking spaces - 6 pumps - 1 shower - Trucker Lounge - McDonalds - Internet - ATM - Laundry - Fe…

713 E Main St…
no truck parking - 1 diesel lanes - Air Fill - D Boones Country Store and Cafe - Propane tanks…
Express Travel Center 

US80, 120 E. US Hwy 80…
Feb 2018: Closed, possibly for remodel or reconstruction, 10 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli…
MoreFort Stockton
Flying J Travel Plaza 

2571 North Front Street, I-10 Exit 259 eastbound, …
Fax: 432-336-3430 - 100 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 9 Showers - 8 Diesel Lanes - Subway - Cinnabo…
MoreFort Stockton

I-10 Ex 256 (US285), 1723 U.S. 285…
70 truck parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - Deli - Restaurant - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreFort Stockton
Kent Kwik 

I-10 Ex 259, 2800 N Highway 18…
30 truck parking spaces - 6 Diesel lanes - Burger King - ATM - Engine Repair - motel - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreFort Stockton
Circle N 

2975 Texas 18, North of I-10 Exit 258…
20 truck parking spaces - Store (TS)…
MoreFort Stockton
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 261, 2723 East US Highway 290…
Fax: 432-336-3654 - 70 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 diesel lanes - 8 showers - Carls Jr - 7 Bulk DEF -…
MoreFort Worth
QuikTrip Travel Center 

I-35 Ex 42, 101 W Everman Pkwy…
26 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - Trucker Lounge - ATM - FedEx - UPS - Scales - Tra…
MoreFort Worth
Drivers Truckstop 

3201 North Freeway…
35 truck parking spaces($8 fee) - 24/7 - showers - FedEx - road service - TripPak (15:00) - ATM - FedEx -…
MoreFort Worth
Loves Travel Stop 

200 Garden Acres Dr., I-35W Exit 40…
Fax: 817-293-9289 - 55 parking spaces - store - 4 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - RV Dump Station($5, r…
MoreFort Worth
Pilot Travel Center 

I-35 Exit 65, 2400 Alliance Gateway…
Fax: 817-337-5137 - 185 parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - 12 showers - McDonalds - Subway - Internet - La…
MoreFort Worth
Big Horn Travel Center 

I-20 Exit 4251301 Markham Ranch Rd…
Aug 2023: user reports Taco Bueno in this station is closed now, 13 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 6…

US59/Hwy 44 and Hwy 16, 100 W Riley St…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Fast Stop Truck Wash 

Hwy 60, 609 E Hwy 60…
25 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - ATM - Scales - TCH (TS)…

4346 I-35 Frontage Road…
10 truck parking spaces - Hilltop Cafe Restaurant - 2 fuel lanes (TS)…

946 Summitt Ave, I-35 Exit 499…
40 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - Scales - ATM (TS)…
Island Food Mart 

I-45 Ex 1 (Harborside Dr), 8224 Harborside Dr…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - motel - TCH (TS)…
Harborside Food Mart Valero 

I-45 Ex 1b (Harborside Dr), 8220 Harborside Dr…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - TCH (TS)…

I-45 Ex 1 (Harborside Dr), 8115 Harborside Dr…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - motel - TCH (TS)…
TA Travel Center 

Hwy 59, Exit 522E, 802 E. York, Hwy 59…
Fax: 361-771-1984 - 104 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 8 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…
Quick Fuel-Garland #5302 

US41/US45, 3702 Distribution Dr…
no parking - Fleet One - EFS - Comdata - TransFunds - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreGeorge West
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-37 Ex 56 (Hwy 59), 4066 Highway 59…
Fax: 361-449-8919 - 90 truck parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - CAT Scales - McDonalds - Deli …
MoreGeorge West
George West Truck Stop 

Hwy 281 and Hwy 59, 100 Nueces St…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
MoreGeorge West
Stripes #2190 

I-37 Ex 56, 923 S Hwy 37 Access…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

I-35 Ex 266, 3800 N Interstate 35…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

3025 E Austin St…
25 truck parking spaces - Store - 5 Diesel Lanes - Travel Store (TS)…
290 Travel Plaza 

1790 W Austin St…
22 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Giddings Diner and Bakery - Bulk DEF …
Midway Armadillo Truck Stop 

8966 U.S. 271…
25 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

US90 and US183, 1114 N Sarah Dewitt Dr…
no parking - ATM (TS)…
Bar-B Travel Plaza 

I-20 Ex 370, 108 W. I-20…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreGrand Prairie
Quick Fuel-Grand Prairie #5301 

Hwy 360, 851 Post and Paddock Rd…
no parking - Fleet One - EFS - Comdata - TransFunds - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreGrand Prairie
Pilot Express 

3206 W Trinity Blvd…
Fax: 972-237-7952 - 8 parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - Cinnabon - 4 Bulk DEF - Transflo Express - Laundr…
MoreGrape Creek

8222 N US 87…
10 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - 24/7 store - ATM Fuelman (TS)…

1400 E Joe Ramsey Blvd…
12 truck parking spaces - diesel lanes on west side - Fuelman (TS)…
Valero Corner Store 

I-30 Exit 94, 4801 Moulton St…
10 marked truck parking spaces and unmarked parking along south curb for 2-3 more when full - Deli - Rest…

1603 N Texana St…
6 truck parking spaces - 3 Diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - Dianes Diner Restaurant - Sonic down road - Bulk D…

Hwy 36, 1101 E. Main St…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Truck Wash (TS)…
20 truck parking spaces - Country Boys Country Store 

I-10 Ex 812 (Hwy 61), 25777 I-10 W…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - CFN - Fuelman (TS)…
Speedy Stop 

US83, 4703 Highway 83 S.…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - CFN (TS)…
Southwest Convenience 

19765 US Highway 287 E…
30 truck parking spaces - 2 showers - Subway - Restaurant - Trucker Lounge - ATM - Scales - TCH - Mar 201…

US287/US81, 13200 Highway 287…
20 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - Popeyes - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Yesway 1060 

510 E Frontage Road…
no truck parking - Store - 3 Diesel lanes - Internet - ATM -Small stop (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

Hwy 6 and FM 485…
Fax: 979-279-9665 - 55 parking spaces - 24/7 store - 7 diesel lanes - 3 showers - McDonalds - CAT Scales …

Hwy 16, 611 N Smith Ave…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Hempstead Truck Stop 

2000 FM 1488…
40 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel lanes - 6 Showers - Trucker Lounge - Dennys - ATM - Air f…
Chevron Truck Stop 

US290, 51267 Hwy 290…
4 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

2000 Farm to Market Rd 1488…
Fax: 979-826-0216 - 46 truck parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 5 Showers - PJ Fresh - Subway - Dunkin Don…
Henderson Travel Plaza 

US259 & US79 Bus…
35 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes - Showers - Dennys - Travel Store - ATM - Fuelman (…
Pilot Travel Center 

North of Hwy 287 at Graham St…
Pilot Dealer - Fax: 940-538-0402 - 26 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - Showers - Bulk DEF - Texas Best…

Hwy 60, 2901 N. 1st St…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

901 West 1st St, Exit Hwy 385…
Fax: 806-364-4504 - 38 parking spaces - Store - 4 diesel lanes - Showers - Carls Jr - RV Dump Station($10…

7452 US 84…
5 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 diesel lanes - Chuckwagon hot food - Travel store (TS)…
Liberty Fuel 

I-35 Ex 325, 1001 Enterprise Blvd…
20 truck parking spaces - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Perks Convenient Grocery 

US60, 505 E Commercial St…
3 truck parking spaces - small stop (TS)…
Sun Mart 

I-10 Ex 787 (Hwy 134), 1001 I-10 E…
no parking - small stop (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

Rt. 3, I-35 & S.R. 22, SR 22 Exit 368…
Fax: 254-582-0164 - 40 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Fried Chicke…
Petro Center 

I-35E, Exit 374, 101 Cornelius Road North…
Fax: 254-714-3001 - 109 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 11 Diesel Lanes - 7 Showers …
TA Travel Center 

I-35, Exit 370, 160 State Hwy 77…
Fax: 254-283-6968 - 201 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 8 Diesel Lanes - 10 Showers …
Hwy 290 Shell Truck Stop 

Hwy 290, 32150 Hempstead Hwy…
22 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Sunshine Travel Plaza 

I-30 Ex 208 (Main St), 803 Main St…
50 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - 3 Showers - ATM - CAT Scales - Travel Store - TCH…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-45 Exit 64 & Richey Rd, 15919 North Freeway…
Fax: 281-893-9368 - 233 parking spaces - 10 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - Propane - R…
TA Express 

US288 and Almeda-Genoa, 12602 South Fwy…
50 truck parking spaces - $10 fee - 12 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Trucker Lounge - Subway - Gourmet Taco …
Mitras Texaco 

US90 and Harim Clark Rd, 4515 W. Fuqua St…
no parking - Lube Service (TS)…

US90, 14711 S Main St…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Lube Service - motel (TS)…
Handy Stop 

I-610 Ex 28 (Clinton Dr), 9009 Clinton Dr…
20 truck parking spaces - parking fee - 3 diesel lanes - CAT Scales (TS)…

I-10 Ex 778, 1731 Federal Rd…
1-2 truck parking spaces - Scales - Fuelman (TS)…

I-10, 990 Lockwood Dr…
12 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Texas Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 774, 8772 Market Street Rd…
25 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

I-10/I-10 Ex 781b/781a (East Fwy), 14502 E. Fwy…
no parking - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Normandy Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 778, 12823 East Fwy…
no parking - small stop (TS)…

I-10 Ex 773a, 7614 Lyons Ave…
1-2 truck parking spaces - Store - Scales (TS)…
Truckers Paradise 

I-610 Ex 24b, 9221 Wallisville Rd…
50 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - TripPak - ATM - Laundry - Scales - TCH - traile…
A A Truck Stop 

I-610 Ex 24b, 9199 North Loop E…
1-2 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

I-610 Ex 25, 9161 Wallisville Rd…
no parking - ATM (TS)…

I-610 Ex 22, 6900 N. Loop E.…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - Fuelman (TS)…

I-610 Ex 24, 5122 N McCarty St…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Texas Truck Plaza 

I-610 Ex 24 (US90), 5303 McCarty St…
20 truck parking spaces - CAT Scales - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

I-290 Ex 212, 9505 Clay Rd…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…
Royal Wood Truck Stop 

US90, 13438 Beaumont Hwy…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Moodys Food Mart 

US90, 8835 E Sam Houston Pkwy N…
no parking - small stop - Fuelman (TS)…
Sheldon Travel Center 

17225 Crosby Freeway…
50 truck parking spaces - 3 showers - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - Subway - ATM - Laundry - Trave…
Hempstead Truck Stop 

US290, 14304 Hempstead Rd…
25 truck parking spaces - $7 fee - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - CFN…
Sun Mart 

I-45 Ex 55, 7102 North Fwy…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…
Charlies Conoco 

I-290 Ex 529, 11250 FM 529 Rd…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…

Beltway8 and N Gessner Dr, 8110 N Sam Houston Pkwy…
1-2 truck parking spaces - ATM - Scales - CFN - Fuelman (TS)…

15207 Vickery Dr…
2 truck parking spaces in back but may often be taken with normal cars - 2 diesel lanes in back - KFC -sm…

I-45 and Rankin Rd, 702 Rankin Rd…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - CFN (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

210 Patton Street…
Fax: 713-699-0434 - 250 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Wendys - 8 Bulk DEF - ATM - I…
Loves Travel Stop 

3940 N. McCarty, I-610 Exit 24A…
Fax: 713-670-0299 - 100 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - RV Dump Station($10, …
Pilot Travel Center 

I-610 & US 90E Exit 24A, 4440 North McCarty Street…
Fax: 713-670-7629 - 90 truck parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Internet - 7 Bulk DEF - Laundr…
Pilot Express 

8702 Telephone Rd…
Fax: 713-649-3454 - no parking - 4 diesel lanes - 4 Bulk DEF - Fuelman (TS)…

13812 Beaumont Hwy…
5 truck parking spaces - 2 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…

1400 Federal Rd…
15 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…

8807 Leycrest Rd…
2-3 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…
Citgo Truck Stop 

14555 Highway 59 N…
10 truck parking spaces - RVs welcome - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Eastex Truck Stop 

6047 Dwyer Drive…
25 truck parking spaces - RVs welcome - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Eastex Travel Plaza 

US59, 15415 Highway 59 N…
15 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Engine Repair - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Texas Travel Plaza 

15615 E. Tex Fwy…
55 truck parking spaces - 7 pumps - showers - 24/7 store - DAT - deli - Internet - ATM - Laundry - Scales…
Loves Travel Stop 

Walnut Street, US 59…
Fax: 979-532-1544 - 90 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 Diesel lanes - showers - McDonalds - Chesters - RV…
Hitchin Post 

I-45 Texas Hwy . 75 Exit 118…
50 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TripPak (15:00) - Laund…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-45 Exit 118, 639 State Highway 75 North…
Fax: 936-291-2421 - 90 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 6 showers - Wendys - Internet - Laundry - 8 Bulk…
Quik Trip 

I-45 Ex 273, 401 E Wintergreen…
15 truck parking spaces - scales - small stop - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

Fulghum Road & I-45, IH-45 Exit 272…
Fax: 972-225-3532 - 110 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - RV Dump Station($…
Top Fuel 

401 E Palestine St…
10 truck parking spaces - 2 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Dairy Queen - Propane tanks…
MoreIowa Park
Chisums AMBest Travel Center 

1501 N Pacific Avenue…
no parking - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes on south side - Chesters - Pizza - Internet - Bulk DEF - ATM (TS…
Big D Travel Center 

300 N Loop 12…
60 truck parking spaces ($12) - 10 showers (7am-10pm) - Deli - ATM - Lube Service - Engine Repair - Tire …
Loves Travel Stop 

I-35E Exit 386, 1021 Dale Evans…
Fax: 972-483-1699 - 110 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - ATM - 8 Bulk…
Tiger Mart 

Tiger Mart…
60 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Air fill - propane tanks - Laundry -…
Smart Stop 

I-35W Ex 7, 1201 S. Files St…
8 truck parking spaces - 5 diesel lanes - Golden Chick Restaurant - Fuelman (TS)…
Stars and Stripes USA 

I-35W Ex 8, 1500 E Main St…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Corner Market 

202 N Jackson…
10 truck parking spaces - 2 Diesel lanes (TS)…
Flying J US Dealer 

I-35 & Exit 275 from NB, Exit 274 from SB, 11710 N…
Fax: 512-746-4390 - 60 truck parking spaces (fee, no RVs allowed, no parking on street at night. Police p…
Circle K 

9111 N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd, Exit 271…
30 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 5 diesel lanes - ATM - Fuelman (TS)
Highway 190 Fuel Stop 

US190, 850 E. Gibson…
25 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
CEFCO Travel Center 

549 S Walcott St…
20 truck parking spaces - 6 Diesel lanes - Store - Huddle House - Dump station (TS)…
Segovia Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 465, 115 S. Segovia Access Rd…
15 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - motel (TS)…
Segovia Truck Stop 

115 Segovia Access Road South…
150 truck parking spaces - Store - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - travel store - ATM (TS)…
Junction Country Store 

2416 N. Main Street…
70 truck parking spaces - 6 pumps - 3 showers - 24/7 store - McDonalds - ATM - Travel Store - TCH - Fleet…
Genes Go Truck Stop 

2419 North Main Street…
45 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - Travel Store -…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-10 Exit 456, 2342 North Main Street…
Fax: 325-446-3247 - 74 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Subway - Internet - 8 Bulk DEF - Lau…
MoreKarnes City

1905 South US Hwy 181, Southeast corner of town at…
50 truck parking spaces - 8 Diesel lanes - Store - ATM (TS)…

I-10, 24985 I-10 W…
20 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - ATM - TCH - CFN (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

612 Pederson Road, I-10 Exit 737…
Fax: 281-391-5559 - 50 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - RV Dump Station($10) -…
Chevron Station 

I-10 Exit 181…
2 Diesel lanes - Store - small stop - Travel Store - Mar 2022: Location appears abandoned from the Inters…

1002 NW 2nd St…
5 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - Propane - Travel Store (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

127 West State Hwy 302…
Fax: 432-586-2539 - 25 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - PJ Fresh - Dunkin Donuts Expre…
TA Express 

I-20 Ex 587 (Hwy 42), 4403 State Highway 42 N…
25 truck parking spaces - showers - Dennys - Wendys - Dunkin Donuts - Baskin Robbins - laundry - Internet…
Texas Star Store 

US77 and Gen Cavazo Bld, 2700 S Hwy 77…
30 truck parking spaces - Store - 5 Diesel lanes - McDonalds - IHOP across street - Chilis and Whataburge…
Loves Travel Stop 

Highway 77 Bypass & Corral Avenue, Highway 77 Bypa…
Fax: 361-592-3641 - 80 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - RV Dump Station($10) -…
MoreLa Marque
Shoppers Mart 

I-45 Ex 10, 2605 Main…
5 truck parking spaces - ATM - Engine Repair - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreLa Porte
Lion King Travel Plaza 

201 East Barbours Cut Boulevard…
25 truck parking spaces - no overnight parking - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - Scales (TS)…
MoreLa Porte
LaPorte Auto Truck Stop 

904 West Barbours Cut Boulevard…
80 truck parking spaces - 3 showers - 7 pumps - truckers lounge - TripPak (16:00) - Port Cafe Restaurant …
MoreLa Porte
La Porte Travel Plaza 

9119 Texas 225…
80 truck parking spaces - 6 pumps - 3 showers - 24/7 store - restaurant - deli - FedEx - ATM - CAT Scales…
MoreLacy Lakeview
Road Ranger 

6615 IH 35 N, east side of frontage road…
100 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel Lanes - 7 Showers - Churchs Chicken - Cinnabon - Dickeys…
Yesway 1061 

1111 Seminole Rd…
no truck parking - Store - 4 Diesel lanes - Bulk DEF - ATM -Small stop (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-35 & Exit 13, 1011 Beltway Parkway…
Fax: 956-791-3057 - 191 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - Propane - R…
Laredo Fuel Express 

Killam & Mines Road…
6 truck parking spaces - 6 pumps - 24/7 store - restaurant - game room - laundry - FedEx - UPS - truck wa…
Noria Convenience Store 

I-35 Ex 4, 7116 Santa Maria Ave…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

I-35 Ex 7, 8919 Mines Rd…
no parking - 3 diesel lanes - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Speedy Stop 

I-35 Ex 8, 11801 Mines Rd…
12 truck parking spaces - 5 diesel lanes - Deli - Restaurant - Air fill - Pay phone - ATM - CFN (TS)…
Laredo Fuel Express 

I-35 Ex 8, Killam and Mines Road…
6 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Scales - Travel Store - Truck Wash - TCH - F…
Discount Diesel L.C. Lube 

I-35 Ex 8, 18658 FM 1472…
5 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - FedEx - UPS - Engine Repair…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-35 Exit 39, I-35 Hwy 44…
Fax: 956-948-7048 - 110 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Fried Chick…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-35 Exit 13, 1101 Uniroyal Drive…
Fax: 956-717-5012 - 125 parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - 12 showers - McDonalds - Wingfoot Truck Care - …
TA Travel Center 

I-35 and Beltway Parkway, 1010 Beltway Parkway…
Fax: 956-724-2511 - 336 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 8 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…

I-68W & Mines Rd/Exit FM 1472, 15118 Mines Rd…
15 truck parking spaces - 3 Diesel lanes in back on west side - Store - ATM - CAT Scales (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

101 Pinnacle Road…
Fax: 956-728-7156 - 86 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - 8 showers - Subway - Chesters Fried…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-30 Exit 213, 451 Leary Rd…
Fax: 903-838-0387 - 100 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - 5 showers - McDonalds - Subw…
MoreLiberty Hill
Wag A Bag 

10990 Highway 29 W, Take IH-35 toward Georgetown. …
6 truck parking spaces - Store - 2 Diesel lanes - Fuelman (TS)…
R Oasis 

I-20W Ex 548, State Highway 110 N…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Linden Fuel Center 

US59, 812 US Highway 59 S…
no parking - small stop (TS)…

US84 and Hall Ave, 2500 Hall Ave…
4 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Polk Pick It Up 

Us Highway 59 S, 4653 US 59…
10 truck parking spaces - Fuelman (TS)…
Shell Station 

11960 Hwy 59 N…
20 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes - 2 Showers - Dickies BBQ - Travel Store - Fuelman …
Texas Best Smokehouse 

3302 South Eastman Road…
18 truck parking spaces - TripPak (17:00) - Fuelman (TS)…

I-20 Ex 599, 15605 Fm 968 W.…
5 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Lube Service - Engine Repair - Scales - Truc…
MoreLos Indios

US281, 702 E. US Route 281…
7 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Air fill - Pay phone - propane tanks - Fuelman (TS)…
Yesway 1125 Travel Center 

I-27 at Ave. A 50th Street…
90 truck parking spaces - 6 showers - Trucker Lounge - City Grill Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry -…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-27 & 4th Street Exit, 602 4th Street…
Fax: 806-744-7423 - 50 parking spaces - 5 diesel lanes - 4 showers - Subway - Propane - RV Dump Station($…
Chisum Travel Center 

US84 and SL401, 2611 E Slaton Rd…
70 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - Air fill - Pay phone - propane t…

Hwy 84, 202 50th St…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Rip Griffin Travel Center 

US62/US82, 4407 Idalou Rd…
10 truck parking spaces - 2 Diesel lanes - Store - small stop - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-27 Exit 8, southwest corner of exit…
Fax: 806-744-1585 - 80 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Chicken - AT…
Phillips 66 

2424 NE SL-289…
2-3 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Honeychild Restaurant - Propane tanks…
Shell Truck Stop 

US69, 3889 US Hwy 69 N…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

1003 S. Medford Dr., Hwy 59…
Fax: 936-637-6286 - 40 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - RV Dump Station($10) …
Pilot Travel Center 

1920 East Denman Avenue, Hwy 59 and 69…
Fax: 936-899-7106 - 35 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - Bulk DEF - 4 showers - Moes S…
Loves Travel Stop 

5614 US-59…
Fax: 936-632-3553 - 90 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - RV Dump Station($…
Loves Travel Stop 

190 US Highway 90, I-10 Exit 632…
10 parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - ATM - Internet - Pegasus Transflo - TripPak (13:0…
Jolly Truck Stop 

3392 U.S. 287…
75 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 6 diesel lanes - 6 showers - Country Cafe Restaurant - ATM - Road …
Food Fast 

Hwy 334, 2309 W Main…
no parking - small stop (TS)…
Buc-ees (no semis) 

205 I-45 S, Exit 142, I-45 and Hwy 21…
No good for 18 wheelers or trailers but people think we are missing something when this is not listed. Th…
Trainer Hale Truck Stop 

I-10 Exit 593…
10 truck parking spaces - store - showers - Star Mart Cafe - game room - trucker lounge - ATM (TS)…
Exxon Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 593, 14462 W. I-10…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - San Juan Mexican Restaurant - Travel store - ATM …
Pony Express Travel Center 

I-20 Ex 617 (US59), 304 Interstate 20 E…
50 truck parking spaces - fee - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel lanes - 4 Showers - Trucker Lounge - Taste of India…
Road Ranger 

I-37 Exit 36, 10538 N. Highway 359…
25 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 5 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Subway - Bulk DEF - ATM - CAT Scales …
Shell Texas Star 

I-37 Exit 36…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 2 diesel lanes - McDonalds - ATM (TS)…

4712 W Military Hwy…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

Hwy 287, Exit Hwy 256, 219 S. Boykin Drive…
Fax: 806-259-2304 - 30 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 diesel lanes - showers - Loves Subs - Sonic - ATM …
Big Country Truck Stop - Yesway 1063 

I-20 Ex 270, 9232 Interstate 20…
100 truck parking spaces - oversize parking spaces - 8 Diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - Trucker Lounge - Truck…

1700 S Town East Blvd…
15 truck parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Air Fill - Pay phone - ATM - Subway - Propane tanks…
Fuel City 

2175 S Town E Blvd…
25 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes on south side - CAT Scales - Travel Store (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-20 Exit 138, 3302 Garden City Highway…
Fax: 432-685-1764 - 130 parking spaces (most are used by local company) - 9 diesel lanes - 9 showers - Mo…

I-20 Ex 134, 2109 S Midkiff…
5 truck parking spaces- Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

I-20 Ex 136 (Hwy 349), 2503 S. State Highway 349…
40 truck parking spaces - Deli - ATM - Car wash - Air fill - Pay phone - propane tanks - Fuelman (TS)…

Hwy 158, 3201 E Hwy 158, Southwest corner of 158 a…
28 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - Laredo Taco Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-20&FM 1788 Exit 126, 4015 South FM 1788…
Fax: 432-563-1748 - 75 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Wingfoot Truck Care - Internet…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-20 Exit 131, 5200 Cholla Rd…
Fax: 432-699-2411 - 110 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Chicke…
DK Truck Stop 

4445 Farm to Market 1788…
6 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel Lanes (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

2810 Rankin Highway 349…
Fax: 432-687-1746 - 20 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - 5 showers - Dunkin Donuts Exp…
Smart Stop 

US287, 4041 E. Route 287…
2 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Fuelman (TS)…
Mini Mart 

Hwy 67 and Shiloh Rd, 4741 N Highway 67…
5 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

1501 W Highway 287, Hwy 287/67…
Fax: 972-775-4375 - 40 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - 6 Bulk DEF - ATM - Int…

US83, 2107 W. Expressway 83…
40 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

US83 and E Palma Vista, 806 E. Palma Vista Dr…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…

I-20 Ex 80, 2203 S Stockton Ave…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-20 BL, 101 South Loop 464 Road…
Fax: - 24 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - 2 showers - Internet - 4 Bulk DEF - EFS - Comdata - Fle…
Road Ranger 

9975 N IH 35…
Fax: 830-663-2954 - 46 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 Diesel Lanes - 5 Showers - Subway - Chesters…
MoreMount Pleasant
Total Stop Mt Pleasant 

I-30 Ex 162 (US271), 2204 N. Jefferson Ave…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreMount Pleasant
Cubbies Travel Center 

2330 I-30, Exit 165…
25 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Deli and Border Street Tacos - Bulk D…
MoreMount Vernon
Food-Fast Convenience Store 

Interstate 30 & Highway 37, Map pin is not precise…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Air fill - propane tanks - Engine Repair - TCH - TripPak (10:00) -…
MoreMount Vernon
Loves Travel Stop 

215 East I-30, N. Svc Rd, I-30 Exit 147…
Fax: 903-537-2085 - 90 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Fried Chicke…
MoreMount Vernon
TA Express 

I-30, exit 147, 300 SE Access Rd…
Fax: 903-537-9215 - 90 Truck Parking Spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel Lanes - 6 Showers - Cotton Belt BBQ -…
Texas Travel Plaza 

Hwy 595, 4010 South St…
35 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Morgan Oil 

4919 NW Stallings Dr…
50 truck parking spaces - store - 4 diesel lanes - Fuelman (TS)…

US259, 9855 Us Highway 259…
5 truck parking spaces - store - 3 diesel lanes - CAT Scales - Fuelman (TS)…
Morgan Oil 

Hwy 21 and Bremond St, 207 Bremond St…
Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH (TS)…

2615 NW Stallings Drive…
50 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel Lanes - 3 Showers - Dennys - Bulk DEF - Laundry - Travel …
TA Express 

I-69 at US 59, 2615 NW Stallings Drive…
95 Truck Parking Spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 Diesel Lanes - 3 Showers - Dennys - 5 Bulk DEF - Travel Store - …
Loves Travel Stop 

I-35 Exit 127, 21548 FM 471 South…
Fax: 830-663-5510 - 91 parking spaces - 24/7 store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Wendys - ATM - 8…
MoreNew Boston

I-30 Ex 201 (Hwy 8), 905 N McCoy Blvd…
3 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - Deli - ATM - Travel Store - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreNew Boston
Tiger Mart 

2086 US-82…
40 truck parking spaces - $10 fee - 5 Diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - Showers - Dennys - Fried Pie shop - Tr…
MoreNew Braunfels
Pilot Travel Center 

I-35 Exit 184, 4142 Loop 337…
Fax: 830-629-1254 - 120 parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - 7 showers - McDonalds - Subway - Internet - Lau…
MoreNew Braunfels
TA Travel Center 

I-35, Exit 193 , 4817 I-35 North…
Fax: 830-608-0382 - 220 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 10 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
MoreNew Braunfels

I-35 Exit 190/191, 2735 N I35…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel lanes - Travel Store (TS)…
MoreNew Caney
Flying J Travel Plaza 

US 59 & Exit 242, 23412 Hwy 242…
Fax: 281-689-8271 - 150 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 9 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - 8 Bulk DEF - …
MoreNew Deal
New Deal / Yesway 1120 Travel Center 

I-27 Ex 14, 127 FM 1729…
25 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - Bulk DEF - TCH - Fu…
MoreNew Fairview
TopSmart Truck Stop 

8221 S. US Hwy 287 at FM407…
90 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 Diesel lanes - 5 Showers - Restaurant Mon-Sat 9am-6pm - Internet…
Valero/Snappy Foods 

Hwy 77, 1200 Voss Ave…
4 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Dairy Queen next door - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Texas Star 

901 Voss Ave…
3 truck parking spaces - Store - Subway and McDonalds next door (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-20, Exit 121 (Loop 338), 5900 E. Interstate 20…
Fax: 432-366-0845 - 90 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 11 diesel lanes - 10 showers - McDonalds - RV …
Road Ranger 

10490 West Interstate Highway 20, I-20 Exit 108…
78 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel Lanes - 7 Showers - Subway - Chesters Chicken - Bulk DEF …
Odessa Travel Center 

I-20 Ex 112, 5934 W I-20…
10 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

I-20 Ex 115 (Ranch Rd2227), 1350 S County Rd W…
20 truck parking spaces - Must stay in vehicle - Do not leave it - 24/7 Store - 4 Diesel lanes - Deli - R…

Hwy 302 and Hwy 191, 4020 Kermit Hwy…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-20 & Frontage Rd., I-20 Exit 115…
Fax: 432-335-7064 - 80 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - McDonalds - RV Dump S…
Pilot Travel Center 

3145 Meteor Crater Rd, I-20 Exit 108…
Fax: 432-381-5254 - 93 truck parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 Showers - PJ Fresh - Dunkin Donuts Expre…

US77/US83, 7900 N Expressway 77…
6 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-10 Exit 873, 7112 I-10 West…
Fax: 409-886-8224 - 150 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Dennys - Propane - RV Dump Statio…
Super Stop 

Hwy 87 and Hwy 12, 135 State Highway 12 E…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-10 Exit 873, 2205 North Highway 62…
Fax: 409-745-3336 - 110 parking spaces - 7 diesel lanes - 8 showers - Subway - RV Fuel Lanes - Internet -…
MoreOrange Grove

Hwy 359 and 624Farm Market, W Orange Ave…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

3752 US Hwy 285…
Fax: 432-273-0028 - 50 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - PJ Fresh - Dunkin Donuts Expre…
Circle Bar Truck Corral 

I-10 Exit 372…
150 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - FedEx - UPS - Lube Servic…

Hwy 79 and 339…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 3 diesel lanes - deli (TS)…

2350 West Oak St, SW of Jct of 256 and 79…
Pilot dealer - 50 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 4 diesel lanes - 3 showers - Dennys - Restaurant - …

4400 W Oak St…
75 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 6 diesel lanes - 3 showers - Bulk DEF - CAT Scales - Travel Store …
Chevron Station 

I-45 Ex 258, 6201 S. Interstate 45…
15 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - Trucker Lounge - Subway - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - …
Circle K 

US83 and Lahoma Dr, 806 E. Palma Vista Dr(TX 364)…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Taylor Mart 

Hwy 60, 11818 Highway 60 W.…
no parking - small stop - Fuelman (TS)…
T Truck Stop 

US271, 2805 N Main St…
25 truck parking spaces - $5 parking fee - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuel…
Loves Travel Stop 

3215 N Main St, half mile north of Hwy 82…
Fax: 903-737-1977 - 58 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Chesters Chicken - Godfat…
CEFCO Travel Center 

2900 S Church St…
11 truck parking spaces - 4 Diesel lanes - Shower - 24/7 Store - deli - Dump station (free, Rinse water) …
Flagship Truckstop 

Hwy 225, 2120 Pasadena Fwy…
3 truck parking spaces - small stop (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

1305 Pasadena Freeway…
Fax: 713-534-0131 - 80 truck parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Arbys - Cinnabon - Aunt Annies…
Petro Center 

I-35, Exit 101, 110 Interstate 35 Frontage Rd…
Fax: 830-334-2420 - 175 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 8 Diesel Lanes - 10 Showers …
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-20 Exit 42, 100 E Pinehurst I20 US Hwy 285…
Fax: 432-445-7171 - 200 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 9 showers - Cinnabon - 10 Bulk DEF - Propane -…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-20 Exit 42, 5202 S Cedar St…
Fax: 432-445-1493 - 120 parking spaces - store - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Chicken - M…
Pilot Travel Center 

2400 South Bickley…
Fax: 432-445-1308 - 9 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - PJ Fresh - Dunkin Donuts Expres…
Kent Kwik 

US83, 2600 S. Main St…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - Subway - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

I-35 Ex 248, 15829 I-35…
7 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - Subway - Tacos - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

US281/Cage Blvd and W Military Hwy , 10701 N. Cage…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Road Ranger 

10602 S Cage Blvd…
Fax: 956-782-1765 - 38 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 Diesel Lanes - 2 Showers - Internet - CAT Sc…

S Jackson Rd and W Dicker DR, 8001 S Jackson…
10 truck parking spaces - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

US281 and W Polk St, 809 N. Cage Blvd…
2 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Taylor Petroleum 

I-27 Ex 49 (US70), 3701 Olton Rd…
10 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Kuntry Korner Steak & Eggs 

Ih 37…
10 truck parking spaces - CFN - Fuelman (TS)…
J & J Truck Stop 

17997 US Highway 380 W…
30 parking spaces - fee to park - 3 diesel lanes - Store 6am-10pm - Mexican Restaurant (TS)…
MorePort Lavaca

Hwy 87 and Hwy 35, 2318 W. Main St…
no parking - 24/7 Store - 10 Diesel lanes - Deli - Hot fresh food - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…

20096 FM-1314…
no truck parking - 1 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Subway - Propane tanks…

409 N Broadway St…
7 parking spaces - 2 diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - ATM - small stop (TS)…

Hwy 281, 435 W. Route 281…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

1415 W 11th Street…
Fax: 940-663-2571 - 50 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Godfathers Pizza - Cheste…
MoreQueen City
Domino Truck Stop 

US59, 22263 US Highway 59 N…
10 truck parking spaces - small stop - Fuelman (TS)…

US62, 900 US Highway 62…
1-2 truck parking spaces - small stop (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

1600 Loop 254 West, I-20 Exit 349…
Fax: 254-647-3346 - 40 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Godfathers Pizza - AT…
MoreRed Oak
Knox Fuel Stop 

200 S Interstate 35 Service Rd…
15 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - Subway - Pizza Inn - ATM - Engine Repair - Scales - Travel Sto…
Refugio Travel Center 

Alamo St at junction of 77 and 183…
40 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - 5 Showers - Pizza Hut - Bulk DEF - Laundry - CAT …

108 N Alamo St…
50 truck parking spaces on east side - Store - 4 Diesel lanes (TS)…
Big Z Travel Center 

US81/US287 and Hwy 114, 405 W Bc Rhome Ave…
5 truck parkings spaces - small stop - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

Hwy 287 and Hwy 114, 4800 East Highway 114…
Fax: 817-636-2296 - 71 truck parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - 24/7 store - McDonalds -…
Pilot Travel Center 

8221 US 287…
Fax: 817-636-5634 - 52 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 5 showers - 6 Bulk DEF - CAT Scale - Laund…
Interstate Travel Center 

I-45 Ex 238, 3901 SE McKinney St…
20 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
End Zone Mini Mart 

402 S Memorial St…
8 truck parking spaces - Store - 1 Diesel lane - ATM - Closes at 11pm but trucks can overnight - Fuelman …
MoreRio Bravo
Speedy Stop 

US83, 900 Espejo-Molina Rd…
no parking - diesel lanes on west side/back side of station - ATM (TS)…
MoreRio Grande City

US83, 2798 W. Route 83…
2 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Snappy Foods 

US77, 6323 S Hwy 77…
30 truck parking spaces - Subway - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

US77, 6240 S Highway 77…
40 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-35 Exit 328, 8055 South I-35…
Fax: 254-662-4951 - 285 parking spaces - 10 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Wingfoot Truck Care - Subway - Wen…
Road Runner 

I-77 Ex 892, 950 S. Highway 77…
50 truck parking spaces - 4 showers - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Lube Service -…
Snappy Foods 

Hwy 44, 1200 E Highway 44…
4 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

1990 E I-30, I-30 Exit 70…
Fax: 972-722-3180 - 50 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - RV Dump Station($1…
TA Travel Center 

I-30 at Route 205, Exit 68, 2105 South Goliad St.…
Fax: 214-771-4435 - 100 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 6 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…

4504 US-83…
no truck parking - 2 diesel lanes - Car Wash - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…
Yesway Travel Center 

110 Arnett Street…
no parking - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - ATM (TS)…
US 59 Fuel Mart 

US59 and FM2218, 26111 Southwest Fwy…
20 truck parking spaces ($10) - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - motel - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Rosenberg / Cottonwood T/C 

2801 US Hwy 59, Cottomwood…
97 truck parking spaces - 5 showers - 7 pumps - 24/7 store (bathrooms close at 10pm) - McDonalds - Truck…
Gator Stop 

I-35 Ex 346, 16075 N. I-35…
15 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Engine Repair - Scales - T…
MoreRound Mountain
Berkleys Travel Center 

US281, 10541 US Highway 281 N…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
MoreRoyse City

I-30 Ex 77b, 1016 E Interstate 30…
10 truck parking spaces ($9 fee) - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
MoreRoyse City
Sun Mart 

926 E Interstate 30…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Air fill - propane tanks - Scales - TripPak (14:00) -…
JDs Travel Center 

I-35S Ex 283 Or I-35N Ex 282, 15881 S I-35…
100 truck parking spaces - 2 Diesel lanes but may not be accessible - 2 showers - Restaurant - Internet -…
MoreSan Angelo

Hwy 87, 3925 S Bryant Blvd…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreSan Angelo

Hwy 67, 1606 La Follette St…
10 truck parking spaces - 4 Diesel lanes - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreSan Antonio
Ez Mart 

4150 S Loop 1604 E…
5 truck parking spaces - Restaurant/Deli - Store - CFN - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreSan Antonio

I-35 Ex 141, 13437 I-35 S…
20 truck parking spaces - Restaurant - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreSan Antonio

I-35 Ex 169, 11607 N Interstate 35…
25 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreSan Antonio
Loves Travel Stop 

11361 S. I-35, I-35 Exit 144…
Fax: 210-623-2527 - 100 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - RV Dump Station($…
MoreSan Antonio
Petro Center 

I-10, Exit 581 at Ackerman Road, 1112 Ackerman Roa…
Fax: 210-662-5325 - 250 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
MoreSan Antonio
Pilot Travel Center 

4105 S Loop 1604…
Fax: 210-626-9201 - 80 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 3 RV lanes - showers - Subway - Internet - Laund…
MoreSan Antonio
Pilot Travel Center 

I-10 Exit 582 Ackerman Rd, 5619 I-10 East…
Fax: 210-661-4660 - 50 parking spaces - 7 diesel lanes - 5 showers - Subway - Internet - 7 Bulk DEF - CAT…
MoreSan Antonio
TA Travel Center 

I-10, Exit 583, Foster Rd., 6170 I.H.-10 East…
Fax: 210-661-0995 or 210-661-3109 - 258 Truck Parking Spaces - 24/7 Store - Reserve-It Reserved Parking -…
MoreSan Antonio
Stripes Valero Travel Center 

25284 Frontage Rd…
no truck parking spaces - 2 Diesel lanes on north side - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreSan Antonio
Tex Best 

15503 US-181 S Loop…
15 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - Air Fill - ATM - Propane tanks…
MoreSan Benito

US83/US77, 2500 W Expressway 83…
5 ttruck parking spaces- Deli - Restaurant - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreSan Marcos
San Marcos Truck Stop 

I-35S Ex 204a Or I-35N Ex 204, 207 N Interstate 35…
30 truck parking spaces ($10) - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…

US90, 803 W. Oak…
3 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Circle H Shell 

I-20 Ex 386 (Hwy 281), 87125 I-20…
20 truck parking spaces - Subway - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

709 US Hwy 77, I-10 Exit 674…
Fax: 979-743-2694 - 76 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Taco Bell - Auntie Anni…
Valero Corner Store 

US175, 531 E Malloy Bridge Rd…
8 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Sealy Truck Stop 

5058 NW I 10 Frontage Road.…
75 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - gravel lot - TripPak (13:00) - Deli - Restauran…

I-10 Ex 720 (Hwy 36), 2100 Hwy 36…
8 truck parking spaces($7) - 24/7 Store - 4 diesel lanes - Deli - ATM - TCH - CFN (TS)…

I-10 Ex 723 (FM1458), 5186 NE I-10 Frontage Rd…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH (TS)…
TA Travel Center 

I-10, Exit 709, 6701 US Hwy 90…
Fax: 979-732-2999 - 65 Truck Parking Spaces - 8 Diesel Lanes - 5 Showers - Subway - Dunkin Donuts - Carls…

I-10 Ex 601 (FM775), 6150 W I-10…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - CFN - Fuelman (TS)…
Juds Food Stores 

I-10/Hwy 123 Ex 610, 2999 N. 123 ByPass…
15 parking spaces - 5 pumps - 24/7 store - restaurant - Subway - deli - FedEx - UPS - 2 showers - TripPak…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 604, 3158 West IH-10…
Fax: 830-372-9834 - 65 parking spaces - 24/7 store - 8 diesel lanes - 3 showers - Arbys - 8 Bulk DEF - AT…
Allsups Store 

700 North Main Street…
5 truck parking spaces - 2 Diesel lanes (TS)…
Crossroads Valero 

I-40 Ex 163, 1400 N Main St…
1-2 truck parking spaces - small stop (TS)…
Midway Truck and Travel Center 

I-40 Ex 163 (Hwy 83)…
5 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Subway - ATM (TS)…
MoreSierra Blanca
Traveling Tiger Center Texas 87 

U-10 Exit 87…
20 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - Diesel lanes - The Tiger Restaurant (TS)…
Sinton Travel Center 

8140 N Hwy 77, 10.7 mi northeast of I-37 Exit 17…
16 truck parking spaces - Store - 5 Diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Travel Store - ATM - Trailer Drop (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

13886 FM 1945…
Fax: 361-364-9229 - 85 parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Chesters Chicken - McDonalds - 6 Bulk …
Smithville Stop 

247 Hwy 71 East…
4 truck parking spaces - Store - 2 Diesel lanes - Hunt Brothers Pizza - Internet - Propane - ATM (TS)…
Rip Griffin Travel Center 

1100 E. Hwy 180…
Fax: 325-573-8666 - 26 parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes - 5 showers - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Burger King …
Road Ranger 

601 N US Hwy 277, I-10 MM400 - North towards San A…
Fax: 325-387-2501 - 9 truck parking spaces - 6 Diesel Lanes - 3 Showers - Chesters - Tejas Tacos - Big Sl…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 404, 3880 Loop 467…
Fax: 325-387-2772 - 70 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - Subway - Chesters - ATM - 8 Bulk DE…

8256 N SH-6…
no truck parking - 4 diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - Laredo Taco Company - Bulk Def - Air Fill - ATM - Propan…
Yesway 1073 

2302 N Swenson…
20 truck parking spaces - Store - 4 Diesel lanes - Internet - ATM - Small stop (TS)…

I-20 and Hwy 137, 1308 Lamesa Hwy…
30 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
MoreSterling City

US87, 1001 4th Ave…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Express Lane Gophers 

US287 and US54, 119 W. Texas St…
15 truck parking spaces - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Allsups Store 

10 S Maple St…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 4 diesel lanes - Travel Store - ATM (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

100 South Poplar St…
Fax: 806-396-1061 - 62 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 diesel lanes - 4 showers - Subway - Pizza Hut - In…
MoreSulphur Springs
Pilot Travel Center 

I-30 Exit 122, 1200 South Hillcrest…
Fax: 903-885-1580 - 75 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 7 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Arbys - Internet - Laun…
MoreSulphur Springs
Loves Travel Stop 

I-30 Exit 122, 1201 S Hillcrest Dr…
Fax: 903-438-1804 - 92 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - 7 showers - Carls Jr - ATM - 8 Bulk…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-20 Exit 242, 9418 North Interstate 20…
Fax: 325-235-1377 - 90 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 24/7 store - showers - Arbys - 8 Bulk DEF - RV D…
TA Travel Center 

I-20, Exit 242, 100 South Hopkins Rd.…
Fax: 325-235-3703 - 110 Truck Parking Spaces - 8 Diesel Lanes - Satellite Pumps - 6 Showers - Family Rest…
Jet Truck Stop 

I-45 Ex 189 (Hwy 179)…
30 truck parking spaces - Store - 6 Diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Trucker Lounge - Diner Restaurant - ATM - …
Lucky Js Travel Center 

680 I-45 South Teague…
New stop in June 2014 - 50 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel lanes - 2 showers - Chesters Chic…
Southwest Travel Center 

I-35 Ex 304, 12310 NW H K Dodgen Loop…
60 truck parking spaces - 3 showers - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Wendys - ATM - Laundry - FedEx - UPS - Road…

5951 Airport Rd…
3 truck parking spaces - 3 Diesel fuel lanes - dump (free, All year, Rinse water, Located to the left of …
McDonald Fuel Stop 

I-20 Ex 509, 11468 E. I-20…
15 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…
Valero Corner Store 

I-20 Ex 501 (Hwy 34), 1703 Highway 34 S.…
15 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Tiger Mart 

I-20 Ex 498, 1100 FM 148…
10 truck parking spaces (fuel purchase required) - Deli - Dennys - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
TA Travel Center 

I-20 & Wilson Rd., Exit 503, 1700 Wilson Road…
Fax: 972-563-5862 - 300 Truck Parking Spaces - $15 - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - 21 S…

1619 State Hwy 34 S…
17 truck parking spaces (4 hour limit) - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes - QT Kitchen - Subway next door - Bu…

US59, 4020 Lake Drive…
10 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lanes in back - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman - Due to the …
Allsups Valero 

425 S 2nd St / US-87…
20 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes (TS)…
MoreThree Rivers
Loves Travel Stop 

I-37, Exit 72, 2645 S. Hwy 37…
Fax: 361-786-4749 - 80 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 24/7 store - 4 showers - Subway - McDonalds - Bu…
Pilot Travel Center 

3080 N. Hwy 16…
Fax: 361-274-1562 - 40 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 3 showers - Trucker Lounge - Subway - PJ F…
Timpson Quick Stop 

US59 and US87, 692 N First St…
no parking - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - Exxon gas and unbranded diesel (TS)…
Meyers Kwik Stop 

8315 W Highway 377…
3 truck parking spaces (TS)…
Kwik Chek #17 

US 69 & TX 121…
10 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 4 diesel lanes - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-35 Exit 308, 1610 Cotton Gin Rd…
Fax: 254-938-2671 - 110 parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - showers - McDonalds - Subway - 9 Bulk DEF - ATM…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-27 Exit 74 & Hwy 86…
Fax: 806-995-3501 - 71 parking spaces - 6 diesel islands - 5 showers - Subway - Chester Chicken - Noble R…
Yesway Travel Center 1077 

I-20 Ex 278, 101 Sprinks Rd…
10 truck parking spaces - 6 Diesel lanes - ATM - Air fill - Pay phone - propane tanks - TCH - Fuelman (TS…
Wes-T-Go / Yesway 1075 Travel Center 

I-20 Exit 278…
40 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - Trucker Lounge - Huddle House - Internet - ATM - Bulk DEF - FedEx …
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-20 & FM 707 Exit 277, I-20 Exit 277 101 N FM 707…
Fax: 325-691-5365 - 200 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - Propane - R…
Tyler Truck Stop 

801 South SE Loop 323…
25 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Truck Express 

3319 N. Northeast Loop 323…
10 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Tyler Travel Center 

407 E Northeast Loop 323…
20 truck parking spaces - Store - 4 Diesel Lanes - Air fill - Pay phone - ATM - propane tanks - Fuelman (…
Road Island Exxon 

US271, 12010 Us Highway 271…
25 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - Scales - TCH (TS)…
Texas Best Smoke House 

16243 U.S. 271…
45 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 Diesel lanes - Trucker Lounge - BBQ Restaurant - Sonic - Interne…
Tyler Fuel Plaza 

3512 South Main Street…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - TCH - TripPak (12:00) - Fuelman (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-20 & FM 14, 12881 FM 14 A…
Fax: 903-593-3204 - 85 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - McDonalds - Propane - Internet - Lau…
MoreValley View
A P Travel Center 

I-35 Ex 483 (E Lone Oak Rd), 13965 S I-35…
8 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

1221 S Oak, I-20 Exit 540…
Fax: 903-963-8137 - 60 parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - RV Dump Station($1…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-20 Exit 540, 1188 S Oak St…
Fax: 903-963-1125 - 70 parking spaces - 7 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - Chesters Chicken - Godfathers …
MoreVan Horn
Chevron Truck Stop 

1801 SW Frontage Road, I-10 Ex 138, I-10 at Golf C…
25 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 4 showers - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Turbo Joes - Bulk DEF - Laundr…
MoreVan Horn
Plateau Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 159, I10 and Exit 159…
gravel lot, 200 truck parking spaces - 6 pumps - 24/7 store - restaurant - Internet - ATM - Laundry - En…
MoreVan Horn
Loves Travel Stop 

810 East Broadway, I-10 Exit 140B…
Fax: 432-283-2883 - 50 parking spaces - Store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - ATM - 5 Bulk DEF - In…
MoreVan Horn
Pilot Travel Center 

I-10 Exit 140, 501 Van Horn Drive…
Fax: 432-283-8071 - 75 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - 8 Bulk DEF - Wendys - Internet - Lau…
MoreVan Vleck
T C Country Store 

Hwy 35 and FM1728, 13179 Hwy 35N…
1 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM (TS)…
Kevins Texas Quick Stop 

I-40 Ex 36 (US385), 3650 Interstate 40…
20 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-40 & Hwy 385 Exit 36, 6555 US Hwy 385…
Fax: 806-267-0021 - 75 truck parking spaces - 8 Diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - 10 Showers - Cinnabon - 8 Bul…

798 Bentley Street…
20 truck parking spaces - 5 diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - Huddle House - Bulk DEF - CAT Scales (TS)…
Speedy Stop 

US77, 5684 US Highway 77 S.…
2 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - propane tanks - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Big Vic Truck Stop 

US87 and US59, 4507 Port Lavaca Dr…
90 truck parking spaces - 6 pumps - 1 shower - 24/7 store - TripPak (17:00) - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - L…
Fastop Foods 

US59, 4008 E Loop 175…
15 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Gateway Travel Center 

1480 W. Freeway, Eastbound Exit 858, Westbound Exi…
80 truck parking spaces - 5 showers - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Engine Repair …
MoreVon Ormy
Tex Best Travel Center 

I-35 Ex 140, 14650 Interstate 35 S…
5 truck parking spaces - Burger King - Fuelman (TS)…
MoreVon Ormy
Pilot Travel Center 

I-35, Exit 140, 14555 IH35 South…
Fax: 210-622-9302 - 60 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Subway - Laundry - 8 Bulk DEF - CAT …
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-35 & New Road, 2409 So New Road…
Fax: 254-714-1798 - 200 parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - B20 diesel - 9 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - …
Ks Travel Center 

I-35S Ex 338, 1520 Interstate 35 N…
no parking - small stop (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

30711 FM 2920, 290…
Fax: 936-372-3473 - 50 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - RV Dump Station($…
Fuel Maxx 

35515 Hwy 290…
150 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel lanes - Checkers - Taco Corner - Dickies - Bulk DEF - Tr…
Truck Travel 

1118 West Park Avenue…
40 truck parking spaces - RVs welcome (TS)…

I-20 Ex 406, 1110 W Park Ave…
20 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Engine Repair - Scales - m…
Loves Travel Stop 

2605 E. Bankhead Dr., I-20 Exit 410…
Fax: 817-594-0235 - 30 parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - 5 Bulk DEF - ATM - In…
Petro Center 

I-20, Exit 409 at Cedar Lake Road, 2001 Santa Fe D…
Fax: 817-598-5524 - 275 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
Pilot Travel Center 

I-20 Exit 406, 1201 I-20 West…
Fax: 817-341-4602 - 110 parking spaces - 7 diesel lanes - 6 showers - Wendys - 8 Bulk DEF - Internet - La…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-10 Exit 682, 900 S. Eagle St.…
Fax: 979-725-8407 - 90 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Chesters - Wendys -…
Quick and Easy 

Hwy 59, 8187 US Highway 59…
2 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Lucky Truck Stop 

31242 Hwy 82…
10 truck parking spaces - 3 Showers - 1 Bulk DEF - Wifi Internet - ATM - Pet friendly (TS)…
MoreWichita Falls
Flying J Travel Plaza 

US 287 & Jacksboro Highway, 2311 Jacksboro Highway…
Fax: 940-720-0725 - 50 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 3 showers - Wendys - 5 Bulk DEF - Propane - RV D…
MoreWichita Falls
Loves Travel Stop 

1124 Central Frwy. East, US 287…
Fax: 940-766-6099 - 50 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - 5 Showers - Subway - ATM - Internet…
Main Street Market 

I-20 Ex 73, I-20 and FM 1219…
20 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Subway - Western Sizzlin - Hardware - ATM - Laundry - Scales -…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-45 Exit 95, 9600 Longstreet Rd…
Fax: 936-856-5263 - 70 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Wendys - ATM - Intern…
MoreWillow Park
Signature Travel Mart 

20 Service Road…
Sep 2015: reported as closing - 60 truck parking spaces - Drivers Diner - TSE AireDock (TS)…
Shell Truck Stop 

103 S I-45…
25 truck parking spaces - RVs welcome - propane - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repai…
Big Daddys General Store 

I-45 Ex 272, 3700 N. I-45…
3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant (TS)…
Winfield Travel Center 

I-30 Exit 153, 101 E 7th St, NE corner of exit…
75 truck parking spaces - fee - 6 Diesel lanes - Restaurant - Fuelman - Jun 2016: No fuel but parking and…
JP Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 829 (Hwy 124), 45950 I-10 E…
no parking - - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Speedy Stop 

I-10 Ex 829 (FM1663)…
5 truck parking spaces - McDonalds and more parking next door - ATM - TCH - CFN (TS)…
Bingo Travel Plaza 

I-10 Ex 829, 46002 Ih 10…
20 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - TCH - Fleet One - Comdata - …
Yesway 1078 

400 S Main St…
no truck parking - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - Subway - Internet - ATM - Propane - Dump station (fee, p…
The Crossing Travel Market 

901 S Main St…
5 truck parking spaces - Diesel lanes - Store - RV Dump station($10, all year, enter in through semi park…
Rip Griffin Travel Center 

US62/US82, 701 N. Dowden Rd…
no parking - 1 diesel lane - store - Subway - diesel - ATM - Comdata - Fuelman (TS)…

I-45 Ex 73, 24627 Interstate 45…
no parking - Fuelman (TS)…
Lone Star Stop 

US69/US287, 7503 Route 69 S.…
no parking - 1 diesel lane - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Fuelman (TS)…
Smart Stop 

Hwy 6, 8309 N. State Route 6…
2-3 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant (TS)…