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Sky City Travel Center 

I-40 Exit 102…
100 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - ATM - Laundry - McDonalds - FedEx - UPS - Bulk DEF - Dump - R…
Timeout Travel Center 

Hwy 54, 3500 N White Sands Blvd…
30 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - dump station(free) - ATM - Laundry - Engine Rep…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-40 Exit 153, 9911 Avalon Road NW…
Fax: 505-833-0464 - 165 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 15 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - 12 Bulk DEF…
Loves Travel Stop 

2200 6th N.W., I-40 Exit 158…
Fax: 505-242-5320 - fuel stop only - 7 diesel lanes - Subway - 7 Bulk DEF - ATM - Internet - TripPak (15:…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-40 Exit 149, 12605 Central Ave NW…
Fax: 505-831-2757 - 70 truck parking spaces - 7 diesel lanes - 24/7 Store - 7 Showers - Carls Jr - Green …
TA Travel Center 

I-40, Exit 159A,D/I-25,Exit 225(NB):Exit 227(SB), …
Fax: 505-881-0245 - 150 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 8 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…
Isleta Travel Center 

4050 NM-47…
9 truck parking spaces - 3 Diesel lanes on south side - RV Dump station(free, just southwest of truck die…
Black Mesa Travel Center 

I-25 Ex 252, 25 Hagon Rd…
100 truck parking spaces (32 on pavement) - 3 Diesel lanes - showers (they require CDL License to use sho…
RoadRunner Fuels 

800 S Main Ave…
Fax: 505-333-3992 - 10-15 truck parking spaces - Store - 8 Diesel lanes - Coyote Grill - Internet - RV Du…
Russells Truck Stop 

Exit 369 I-40…
130 truck parking spaces - 10 Showers - Route 66 Diner - Subway - CAT Scales - (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-25 Exit 191, 1903 Camino Del Llano…
Fax: 505-864-8893 - 62 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - 6 Bulk DEF - ATM …
Giant Hilltop Mustang 

13921 HW 550…
15 truck parking spaces - 1 diesel lane - small stop (TS)…

US64, 6176 Highway 64…
15 truck parking spaces - showers - RVs welcome (TS)…
Western Petroleum 

3202 S Canal Street…
Fax: 575-887-0466 - 20 truck parking spaces - unpaved - 24/7 Store - 2 Showers - 7 Bulk DEF - Game room -…
Allsups Convenience Store 

3220 National Parks Hwy…
12 truck parking spaces - 4 diesel lane - Store - small stop (TS)…
MoreCasa Blanca
Dancing Eagle Travel Center 

Interstate 40 Exit 108…
150 truck parking spaces - 5 showers - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - RVs Welcome - Travel Store - T…
Loves Travel Stop 

703 South 1st…
Fax: 575-374-9647 - 10 parking spaces - 3 diesel lanes - Chesters Chicken - Loves Subs - Godfathers Pizza…
MoreClines Corners
Clines Corners 

I-40 Exit 218 and Highway 285, One Yacht Club Driv…
15 truck parking spaces plus a 5 acre lot to the west side for plus 100 trucks - 2 diesel lanes - resta…
Loves Travel Stop 

4700 Mabry Drive, Hwy 60…
Fax: 575-762-9297 - 50 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - 6 Bulk DEF - ATM - In…
Pilot Travel Center 

4100 Mabry Drive…
Fax: 575-769-8517 - 29 parking spaces - 5 diesel lanes - 3 Showers - Transflo Express - 5 Bulk DEF - CAT …
Red Rock Oil 

Hwy 218/Hwy 270, 521 W Brady Ave…
4 truck parking spaces - TCH (TS)…

US60/US70/US84, 2900 Mabry Dr…
5 truck parking spaces on onrth side - Deli - Restaurant (TS)…
Apache Nugget Travel Center 

US 550 and NM537, 22 mi west of Cuba…
Mar 2022: Still temporarily closed - 15 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 4 diesel lanes - showers - S…
Petro Center 

I-10, Exit 68, 14150 Hwy 418 SW…
Fax: 575-546-4046 - 150 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 10 Diesel Lanes - 9 Showers …
5R Travel Center 

1695 Silver City Hwy NW, I-10 Exit 82, turn North,…
30 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 4 diesel lanes - 3 showers - Wagon Wheel Cafe - Bulk DEF - Interne…
Flying C Ranch 

I-40 Exit 234…
25 truck parking spaces - store - no truck lanes - Dairy Queen - Internet - Travel Store gift shop - ATM …
Loves Travel Stop 

16 Andrews Hwy…
Fax: 575-394-0034 - 83 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 Diesel lanes - 4 showers - Subway - Chesters Chick…
Huntingtons Broadway Conoco 

US64, 520 E Broadway…
24/7 Store - 2 Diesel lanes - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Engine Repair - TCH- Comdata - dump (Free, All ye…
Matayas Travel Plaza 

I-40 Ex 16 (US66), 3405 W. Historic Highway 66…
30 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Nov 2014: Reported as Cash…
Loves Travel Stop 

3380 W. 66th, I-40 Exit 16…
Fax: 505-863-4871 - 30 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 diesel lanes - 5 showers - Subway - Chesters Fried…
TA Travel Center 

I-40 & Hwy 66, Exit 16, 3404 W Historical Hwy 66…
June 2023: user reports no pet area at this facility, Fax: 505-722-5106 - 76 Truck Parking Spaces - Reser…
Russells Endee Truck and Travel 

1583 Frontage Road 4132, I-40 Exit 369…
123 truck parking spaces - Store - showers - internet - Bulk DEF - Subway - Route 66 Diner Restaurant - T…
Pilot Travel Center 

3710 W. Carlsbad Hwy…
Fax: 575-391-0412 - 50 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 6 diesel lanes - 3 showers - Subway - Cinnabon - Lau…

US180/US62 and Hwy 209, 808 E. Marland…
10 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH (TS)…
Pilot Travel Center 

410 E Kansas Ave, Hwy 128 & Hwy 18…
Fax: 575-395-3264 - 43 truck parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 5 showers - PJ Fresh - Internet - 6 Bulk D…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-40 Exit 39, I-40 Exit 39 - 1 Giant Crossing I-40…
Fax: 505-722-2674 - 150 parking spaces - 18 diesel lanes - 26 showers - Boss Shop - Dennys Grandma Maxs -…
MoreLas Cruces
TA Travel Center 

I-10, Exit 139, Hwy 292, 202 N. Motel Blvd…
Fax: 575-523-6876 - 201 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 8 Diesel Lanes - Satellite P…
MoreLas Cruces
Pilot Travel Center 

I-10 & NM 292 Exit 139, 2681 West Amador…
Fax: 575-525-6727 - 40 parking spaces - 6 diesel lanes - 5 showers - Subway - Internet - 6 Bulk DEF - CAT…
MoreLas Cruces
Loves Travel Stop 

8993 Robert Larson Blvd, I-10 Exit 132…
Fax: 575-523-4651 - 30 parking spaces - additional desert area parking nearby - store - 5 diesel lanes - …
MoreLas Vegas
Pinos Truck Stop 

I-25 Ex 347, 1901 N Grand Ave…
5 truck parking spaces - truckers lounge - RVs welcome - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - motel - TCH (TS)…
MoreLas Vegas
Loves Travel Stop 

2401 N Grand Ave…
Fax: 505-425-9291 - 30 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - ATM - 5 Bulk DEF…
MoreLas Vegas

I-25 Exit 3391 Romeroville Frontage Rd…
10 truck parking spaces - 2 diesel lanes - Subway (TS)…
Roadrunner Travel Center 

I-25 Ex 156, I25, Exit 156…
70 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 3 showers - 4 pumps - Trucker Lounge - RVs Welcome - Deli - Restau…
Pilot Travel Center 

I-10 Exit 24, 1050 East Motel Drive…
Fax: 575-542-3111 - 95 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Arbys - Internet - Laundry - CAT Sca…
Loves Travel Stop 

900 W. Motel Dr, I-10 Exit 20…
Fax: 575-542-8464 - 20 parking spaces - store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Godfathers Pizza - RV…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-10 Exit 24, 11 Old Hwy 70…
Fax: 575-542-3324 - 285 parking spaces - 12 diesel lanes - 9 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - 12 Bulk DEF …
MoreLos Lunas
Kicks 66 

I-25 and Hwy 6, 105 Sun Ranch Village Loop SW…
1-2 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Santa Fe Diner and Truck Stop 

I-25 Ex 115 (Hwy 107)…
10 truck parking spaces - Store - 2 Diesel lanes - Homemade Food restaurant - UPS - Game Room - Travel St…
Allsups Convenience Store 

500 Denby Ave…
2 diesel lanes - 2 truck parking spaces - store - small stop (TS)…
Melrose Tire Store 

800 Denby Ave…
2 diesel lanes - no parking - small stop (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

I-40 & Horizon Blvd., I-40 Exit 79…
Fax: 505-287-2982 - 20 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 5 diesel lanes - showers - Subway - Chesters Fried C…
Petro Center 

I-40, Exit 79 at Horizon Road, 1430 Motel Drive…
Fax: 505-876-2830 - 200 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 12 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
Lisas Truck Center 

I-40 Ex 197, 820 Central Ave…
70 truck parking spaces - Store - RVs welcome - NNHDR Tractor Trailer Repair - 2 Service bays - Road Serv…
Pilot Travel Center 

Hwy 41 and I-40, Exit 196, 305 W. Abrahames Road…
Fax: 505-832-4953 - 85 parking spaces - 9 diesel lanes - 7 showers - Subway - Pizza - Laundry - CAT Scale…
TA Travel Center 

I-40 & Central Avenue., Exit 194, 1700 U.S. Route …
Fax: 505-832-6643 - 245 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 10 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
Raton Truck Stop 

I-25 and US87/US64, 855 Clayton Rd…
3 truck parking spaces - ATM - TCH (TS)…
MoreRd Forks
Shady Grove Truck Stop 

I-5 Exit 5, 3185 NM 80…
New rebuild in 2021 - 30 truck parking spaces - 6 Diesel lanes - Store - ATM (TS)…
MoreRio Puerco
Route 66 Travel Center 

I-40/Rt66 Ex 140, 14314 Central Ave SW…
150 truck parking spaces - 10 showers - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Travel Store - Secure Parking…
Chisum Travel Center 

5500 North Main Street…
80 parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 3 Diesel lanes - 5 Showers($7.50) - Truckers lounge - High Chapparal Res…
MoreSan Jon
Dhillon Fuel 

2405 State Highway 469…
20 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH (TS)…
MoreSan Jon
Chisums Travel Center 

2369 NM 469…
20 truck parking spaces - 24/7 Store - 8 Diesel lanes in back on west side - 3 showers - Bulk DEF - ATM (…
MoreSanta Fe
Nambe Falls Travel Plaza 

US284/US84 Ex 177, 33B Arroyo Cuyamungue Rd…
no parking - 4 diesel lanes in back on east side - Deli - Restaurant - Internet - Propane onboard tank fi…
MoreSanta Rosa
Pilot Travel Center 

I-40 Exit 277, 2464 Historic Route 66…
Fax: 575-472-7204 - 60 parking spaces - 8 Diesel lanes - 7 Showers - 24/7 store - Subway - Cinnabon - 8 B…
MoreSanta Rosa

1009 Stuckeys Rd, I-40 Frontage Rd and County Rd 4…
25 truck parking spaces - Store - 3 Diesel lanes - Air Fill - Pay phone - ATM - Y - Propane tanks…
MoreSanta Rosa
TA Travel Center 

I-40 & U.S. 66, 54 & 84, Exit 277, 2634 Historic R…
Fax: 575-472-3717 - 116 Truck Parking Spaces - Reserve-It Reserved Parking - 11 Diesel Lanes - Satellite …
MoreSanta Rosa
Loves Travel Stop 

I-40 & Hwy 84, I-40 Exit 277…
Fax: 575-472-1162 - 100 parking spaces - store - 6 diesel lanes - showers - Carls Jr. - RV Dump Station($…
Russell Truck Travel 

18 Old French Rd, I-25 Exit 419…
80 truck parking spaces - 24/7 store - 7 diesel lanes - 5 showers - Subway - internet - laundry - scales …

US380 and Hwy 206, 10 E. Broadway Ave…
3 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Scales - TCH (TS)…
Texaco Auto Truck Plaza 

US60/US70/US84, 1400 Wheeler St…
15 truck parking spaces - Restaurant - TCH (TS)…

Hwy 84 and Hwy 70, 225 Wheeler St…
15 truck parking spaces - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Loves Travel Stop 

1900 Mountain Rd., I-40 Exit 333…
Fax: 575-461-1910 - 150 parking spaces - store - 8 diesel lanes - showers - Arbys - Chesters Fried Chicke…
Circle K Truck Stop 

I-40 Ex 332, 2624 S. 1st St…
6 truck parking spaces - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - TCH - Fuelman (TS)…
Flying J Travel Plaza 

I-40 & Exit 333, 2021 S. Mountain Rd…
Fax: 575-461-3879 - 136 parking spaces - 8 diesel lanes - 9 showers - Dennys - Pepperonis - Propane bottl…
Tularosa Travel Center Shell 

21 St Francis Dr…
25 truck parking spaces - Store - 3 Diesel lanes - La Rosa Restaurant - RVs welcome - propane - Pay Phone…
National Truck Stop 

I-10 Ex 155, 16320 Stern Dr…
30 truck parking spaces - RVs welcome - CAT Scales - Trucker Lounge - Deli - Restaurant - ATM - Laundry -…

I-10 Ex 155, 1715 Vado Rd…
100 truck parking spaces - Deli - Taco Restaurant - ATM - Laundry - Scales (TS)…
Lalos Food Mart and Liquors 

US 285, 60, SE side of town just north of Jct with…
30 truck parking spaces - store - small stop (TS)…