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Embassies & Consulates Of Colombia Worldwide
Embassies of other Nations to (within) Colombia

Embassies & Consulates Of Colombia Worldwide

Embassy of Colombia in Canberra, Australia
Embassy of Colombia in Brussels, Belgium
Embassy of Colombia in Ottawa, Canada
Embassy of Colombia in Rome, Italy
Embassy of Colombia in Tokyo, Japan
Embassy of Colombia in Panama City, Panama
Embassy of Colombia in London, Great Britain
Consulate General of Colombia in New York, USA

Embassy of Colombia in Washington, USA

Embassies & Consulates Of Colombia Without Websites

Consulate of Colombia in Buenos Aires, Argentina -  Av. Santa Fe 762, Floor 1 B.A. Telephone: (54 -1) 3125446/ 3125538  Fax: (54 -1) 3138563  Email:
Consulate Honorary of Colombia in Brisbane, Australia - Comalco Place, Level 18/12 Creek Street Brisbane QLD 4001   (07) 3226 3944  Fax: (07) 3221 3756  P.O Box 454, Brisbane, QLD 4001
Consulate Honorary of Colombia in Melbourne, Australia - 36 First
Street, Black Rock VIC 3193 Telephone: (03) 9589 370  Fax: (03) 9288 6986  PO Box: 149  Black Rock  VIC 3193
Consulate General of Colombia in Sydney, Australia - Level 12/Suite, 100 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060  Telephone: (02) 9955 0311 Fax: (02) 
9922 5597  PO Box 6133 North Sydney, NSW 2060  Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Bridgetown, Barbados - Rosemary, Dayrells Road, Rockley Christ Church, Barbados W.I. Telephone: (246) 4296821/4300524  Fax: (246) 4296830  Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Belize City, Belize - 168 Newton Barracks, Belice City  Telephone: (501) 235623/233025  Fax: (501) 231972 
Consulate of Colombia in La Paz, Bolivia - 9 No. 7835 Street, Calacoto, La Paz, Bolivia, Telephone:
(591) 2 -786841/784491  Fax: (591) 2 -786510 
Consulate Honorary of Colombia in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia - Building Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1 Floor, office 102 Telephone: (591) 3 - 324453/338162/3314113   Fax: (591) 3 - 336863 
Consulate of Colombia in Brasilia, Brazil - SES Avda. Das Nacoes, No 10 Manaos, CEP 70444 / 900 Brasilia, D.F. Brasil Rio de Janeiro  Telephone: (55) 61 - 2262547 / 2268997 Sao Paulo  Fax: (55) 61 - 2244732 Tabatinga Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Manaos, Brazil - Rua Dona Libania 62  Manaos, CEP 69010 -250 Manaos, Brasil, Rio de Janeiro Telephone: (55) 92 - 2346777 Sao Paulo  Fax: (55) 92 - 6226078 Tabatinga Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Praia Do Flamengo, 284, Office 101, Manaos CEP 22210 - 030 R.J. Brasil Rio de Janeiro  Telephone: 55 - 21 - 5525048 / 5526248  Sao Paulo Fax: 55 - 21 - 5525449 Tabatinga Email: 
Consulate of Colombia in Sao Paulo, Brazil - Rua Peixoto Gomide 996-Cj.140 Manaos,  Cerqueira Cesar CEP 01409 - 900 Rio de Janeiro Telephone: 55 - 11 - 2856350 Sao Paulo  Fax: 55 - 11 - 2852577 Tabatinga Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Tabatinga, Brazil - Av. Da Amizade Manaos, No. 2205 Rio de Janeiro  Telephone: 55 - 92 - 4122597 Sao Paulo  Fax: 55 - 92 - 4122230 Tabatinga 
Consulate of Colombia in Sofia, Bulgaria - Street Alexander Jendov No.1 Floor 6, Apartment 37 - 1113  P.O. box 562 Telephone: 359 - 2 - 9713103 / 9713644  Fax: 359 - 2 - 9727660 Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Montreal, Canada - 1010 Sherbrooke St. West suite 420 Ottawa 
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2R7 Toronto, Telephone: 1 - 514 - 8494852 / 8492929 Vancouver   Fax: 1- 514 - 8494324  Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Toronto, Canada - 1 Dundas St. west, suite 2108, Ottawa, Toronto - Ontario M5G 1Z3 Toronto  Telephone: 1 - 416 - 9770475 Vancouver  Fax: 1 - 416 - 9771025  Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Vancouver, Canada - Suite 890-789 West Pender, St. Ottawa, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1H2 Toronto, Telephone: 1 - 604 - 6856435 Vancouver  Fax:1 - 604 - 6856485 Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Santiago, Chile -  La Gioconda No. 4317, Las Condes, Telephone:  56 - 2 - 2288369  Fax: 56 - 2 - 2087007 
Consulate of Colombia in Beijing, China - Guand Hua Lu 34, Beijing - 100600 Telephone: 86 - 10 - 5323166  Fax: 86 - 10 - 5321969  Fax:
Consulate of Colombia in San Jose, Costa Rica - Dent de Taco Bell San Pedro, 150 mt. oeste, casa mano derecha, color manadarina con rejas negras, Telephone: 506 - 2836871 / 2836861  Fax: 506 - 2836818  Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire - Av. Lambin, Tour BIAO, 16o etage, Abidjan - Cote d'Ivoire  Telephone: 1 - 225 - 331244  Fax: 1 - 225 - 324731  Email:
Consulate of Colombia in La Habana, Cuba - 14 Street No. 515 E/5ta. and 7 Miramar, La Habana , Cuba  Telephone: 53 - 7- 331246 / 331247 / 331248  Fax: 53 - 7- 331249  Email:
Consulate Honorary of Colombia in Limassol, Cyprus - 25 Spyrou Araouzou Street, Berengaria building, 5th. floor  Telephone: 357 - 5 - 365268  Fax: 357 - 5 - 365269 / 364163 
Consulate of Colombia in Praga, Czech Republic - Washingtonova 25, 11000 Praga 1, Telephone: 42 - 3 - 21674400 / 21674200  Fax: 42 - 3 - 24225538  Email:
Consulate of Colombia in Esmeraldas, Ecuador - Av. Kennedy CM, Bastidas, Telephone: 593 - 6 - 728688  Fax: 593 - 6 - 720521
Consulate of Colombia in Guayaquil, Ecuador - Cordova No.812 y Victor Manuel Rincon, Telephone: 593 - 4 - 563308 / 562862  Fax: 593 - 4 - 563854
Consulate of Colombia in Quito, Ecuador - Av. Atahualpa 955 and Republica, Building Digicom, Floor 3 - Quito  Telephone: 593 - 2 - 458012 / 460054  Fax: 593 - 2 - 460054
Consulate of Colombia in Tulcan, Ecuador - Bolivar and Junin Street, No. 368  Telephone: 593 - 6 - 980559 
Consulate of Colombia in El Cairo, Egipt - 6 Guezira Street,Zamalek, Garden City, Telephone: 20 - 2 - 3423711 / 3414203 / 3415624  Fax: 20 - 2 - 3497429  Email:
Embassy of Colombia in San Salvador, El Salvador - El Mirador 5120 Street, Colonia Escalon Cross: Club El prado  Telephone: 009 503 2631936 Fax: 009 503 2631942
Embassy of Colombia in Paris, France - 22, Rue de L�elysee 75008 Paris, Telephone: 009 33 1 42654608 Fax: 009 33 1 42661860
Embassy of Colombia in Atenas, Greece - Vrassida 2, Atenas 115 28  Telephone: 009 30 1 7236848/ 7231420  Fax: 009 30 1 7246270
Embassy of Colombia in Guatemala City, Guatemala - 12 Street 1-25, ZONA 10, Building Geminis, Torre sur, Office 807, Guatemala, Telephone: 009 502 3 352909/ 353602/ 352906/ 352848 (AGREGADURIA MILITAR) Fax: 009 502 3 353603 
Embassy of Colombia in Georgetown, Guyana -306 Church & Peter Rose, Sts Queenstown, Telephone: 009 592 2 71410 Fax: 009 592 2 58198
Embassy of Colombia in Puerto Principe, Haiti - Route del Delmas, between Les Rues 42 and 44, complexe 384, Telephone: 009 509 462599  Fax: 009 509 465595
Embassy of Colombia in Holy See, Italy - Cola di Rienzo, 285 00192 Rome, Telephone: 009 39 06 3211681   Fax: 009 39 06 3211703
Embassy of Colombia in Tegucigalpa, Honduras -  Palmira Building, 4º floor cross Hotel Honduras Maya, Telephone: 009 504 2311680/ 2329709/ 2325131  Fax: 009 504 2328133
Embassy of Colombia in Budapest, Hungary - Jozsefhegyi Ut 28-30. C10 1025  Telephone: 009 36 1 3257617/ 2124099/ 3357210 Fax: 009 36 1 3257618
Embassy of Colombia in New Delhi - 82-D Malcha Marg. Chanakyapuri, 110021New Delhi,
Telephone: 009 91 11 6110773/ 6872771/ 6110824  Fax: 009 91 11 6112486
Embassy of Colombia in Jakarta, Indonesia - Central plaza Building,16 th floor, Jalan Jenderal, Sudirman Kav. 47 Jakarta, Indonesia Telephone: 009 62 274 5256446/ 5701422  Fax: 009 62 274 5207717
Embassy of Colombia in Tehran, Iran - Darrous, Hedayat St, Faryar St, No 5, Tehran, Telephone: 009 98 21 2558957  Fax: 009 98 21 2541981
Embassy of Colombia in Tel Aviv, Israel - 52 Pinkas, St. Apt.26,  Floor 6Th 62261 Telephone: 009 972 3 5461434/ 5441764/ 5461717  Fax: 009 972 3 5461404
Embassy of Colombia in Kingston, Jamaica - 53 Knutsford Boulevard Victoria Mutual, Building 3 rd floor, Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I.  Telephone: 009 1 876 9291702/ 9252984/ 9680577  Fax: 009 1 876 9291701
Embassy of Colombia in Nairobi, Kenya - International House 8th Floor Mama Ngina street, Telephone: 009 254 2 246770/ 246771  Fax: 009 254 2 246772
Embassy of Colombia in Beirut, Lebanon - Mar Takla Hazmieh Dar Al Salam Building No.2 Floor 4º  Telephone: 009 961 5 455320/ 455321
Embassy of Colombia in Seul, Korea - 13 Th Floor, Kyobo Bldg 1, Chongro-1-Ka Chongro-Ku Seul, Korea  Telephone: 009 82 2 7201369  Fax: 009 82 2 7556959
Embassy of Colombia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Business Suite 19A-26-1 Level 26 U.O.A. Centre No.19 Jalan Pinang, Telephone: 009 60 3 2645488/ 2645489  Fax: 009 60 3 2645487
Embassy of Colombia in Mexico D.F, Mexico - Paseo de la Reforma 1620, Colonia lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico D. F  Telephone: 009 52 5 2027299  Fax: 009 52 5 5209669
Embassy of Colombia in Rabat, Morocco - 29, Charia Michliffen Imm Moulay Idriss 2éme Etage, No.5 Agdal, Rabat, Telephone: 009 212 7 670805/ 670804  Fax: 009 212 7 670802
Consulate Honorary of Colombia in Wellington, New Zealand - Telephone: (644) 4769 857  Fax: (644) 4769 779, PO Box 17072, Karori Wellington, New Zealand.
Embassy of Colombia in Managua, Nicaragua - de donde fue Mtorama 1 cuadra al sur y 1 1\2 cuadra abajo, casa No.82 (de Copa 1\2 cuadra abajo a la izquierda) Telephone: 009 505 2 784405/ 784404 Fax: 009 505 2 780705
Embassy of Colombia in Holland, Netherlands - Groot Hertoginelaan 14 2517 Eg Den Haag. La Haya, Telephone: 009 31 70 3614545/ 3614650   Fax: 009 31 70 3614636
Embassy of Colombia in Panama City, Panama - World Trade Center Building, office 1802, street 53 urbanizacion Marbella  Telephone: (507) 264-9266/214-9704/264-6513  Fax: 223-1134/2234159  Email:
Embassy of Colombia in Asuncion, Paraguay - Naciones Unidas 566 Casi el dorado, Telephone: 009 595 21 202385/ 662131 Fax: 009 595 21 602162
Embassy of Colombia in Lima, Peru - Av. Jorge Basadre No.1580 San Isidro � Lima 27 
Telephone: 009 51 1 4410954/ 4429648 Fax: 009 51 1 4419806 
Embassy of Colombia in Manila, Philippinas - Aurora Tower,18Th Floor Gen Malvar St. Araneta Center, 0810, Quezon City Manila, Philippines, Telephone: 009 63 2 9113101 Ext. 7200/7201/7202/7203/8386 Fax: 009 63 2 9112846
Embassy of Colombia in Warsaw, Poland - Ul Zwyciezcow 29 03-936 Warsaw, Poland, Telephone: 009 48 22 6177157/ 6170973  Fax: 009 48 22 6176684
Embassy of Colombia in Lisbon, Portugal - Av. Conde Valbom 30-9º 1050 Lisbon - Portugal,
Telephone: 009 351 1 3557096/ 3160390 Fax: 009 351 1 3528665
Embassy of Colombia in Bucharest, Romania - Str. Polona No. 35, et. 1 ap. 3 Bucharest, Romania  Telephone: 009 40 16115106  Fax: 009 40 12100155
Embassy of Colombia in Moscow, Russia - Ul. Burdenko 20, floor 2, Telephone:  009 709 5 2483042/ 2483073/ 2483084/ 2483417/ 2483003 Fax: 009 709 5 2483025/ 2483003  Telephone home: 00970952484382
Embassy of Colombia in Madrid, Spain - General Martinez Campos, 48 28010. Telephone:
009 349 1 7004770/ 3103800/ 3103804/ 3101655/ 3108653 Fax: 009 349 1 3102869
Embassy of Colombia in Pretoria, South Africa - First National Bank, 3rd floor 1105, Park Street, Hatfield 0083 Pretoria  Telephone: 009 27 12 3420212/ 3420213/ 3420214/ 3420215 Fax: 009 27 12 3420216
Embassy of Colombia in Stockholm, Sweden - Ostermalsgatan 46  Telephone: 009 46 8 218489/ 214320 Fax: 009 46 8 218490
Embassy of Colombia in Bern, Switzerland - Dufourstrasse 47, 3005 Bern, Switzerland Telephone: 009 41 31 3511700/ 3511710/ 3515434   Fax: 009 41 31 3527072
Embassy of Colombia in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - 16 Queen's Park West, The Mutual Centre, Telephone: 009 1868 6225904  Fax: 009 1868 6225938
Embassy of Colombia in London, United Kingdom - 3 Hans Crescent, London Sw1x Olr Inglaterra  Telephone: 009 44 171 5899177/ 5895037  Fax: 009 44 171 5811529
Embassy of Colombia in Montevideo, Uruguay -  Juncal 1305, Floor 18, Tupi Building, Office 1801, Telephone: 009 598 209161592/ 9161593/ 9154434  Fax: 009 598 2 9161594
Embassy of Colombia in Caracas, Venezuela - 2ª. Av. de campo alegre with Av. Francisco de Miranda, Credival Tower. Floor 11, Caracas 1060  Telephone: 009 58 2 23616592/ 2621527/ 2615584  Fax: 009 58 2 2611358/ 2638974

Embassies of other Nations to Colombia

Embassy of  Chile in Bogotá, Colombia
Embassy of Italy in Bogotá, Colombia
Embassy of  Morocco in Bogotá, Colombia
Embassy of Peru in Bogotá, Colombia
Vice-Consulate Honorary of Spain Bogotá, Colombia
Embassy of Great Britain in Bogotá, Colombia
Embassy of  Venezuela in Bogotá, Colombia -

Embassies of Other Nations to Colombia without Websites

Embassy of Argentina in Bogotá, Colombia - Av. 40A No. 13-09, Floor 16, Telephone: (011-571) 2880900 /2872678 and Trade: 2850517
Consulate of Australia in Bogotá, Colombia - Calle 70 No. 10-86, Piso 2, Bogota, Colombia Tel: 2126576
Embassy of Austria in Bogotá, Colombia - Chancellery: Carrera 11 No. 75-29  Telephone: (011-571)  2356628/2494399/3217071/3217073  Fax: 2172404
Embassy of Belgium in Bogotá, Colombia - 26 Steet No. 4-A-45, Floor 7, Telephone: (011-571) 2828881 /82/2828901 Chancellery: 2828841 Fax: 2828862  P.O. Box: 3564
Embassy of Bolivia in Bogotá, Colombia - Tr 12 No. 119-95, Office: 101  Telephone: (011-571)  2153274  Fax: 6123151 P.O. Box: 92619
British Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 7, #79-75, Of.501, Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia, S.A. (Apartado Aereo No. 51620(Chapinero) Santafe de Bogota D.C. Colombia, S.A.)  Tel: 2354713 Fax: 3145237
British Consulate in Barranquilla, Colombia - Carrera 44, No 45-57 (Air Mail Box 706)  Tel: 340 6936  Fax: 340 9781
British Consulate in Cali, Colombia - Calle 25 No 1N-65 (Air Mail Box 1326) Tel:  896 1235  Fax: 896 1235
British Consulate in Medellín, Colombia - Carrera 49 No 46A Sur - 103, Envigado, Medellin (Air Mail Box 3372) Tel: 270 9242  Fax: 331 0046
Embassy of Bulgaria in Bogotá, Colombia - 81Steet No. 7-71, Telephone: (011-571) 3453791
Embassy of Canada in Bogotá, Colombia - Cra. 7, No. 115-33 Apartado Aereo 53531, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia Tel: 6579800, 6579951 Fax: 6579912 E-mail:
Consulate of Canada in Cartagena, Colombia - Edificio Punta Gigante, oficina 201, Santo Domingo #33-08, Cartagena Tel: 6647393 Fax: 6647393
Embassy of China in Bogotá, Colombia - 71 Steet No. 2-A-41  Telephone: (011-571) 2115411
Embassy of Cuba in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 9 No. 92-54 Telephone: (011-571) 6230205/6217054
Embassy of Czech Republic in Bogotá, Colombia - Av (Cr) 7 No. 113-12 Office 101 Telephone: (011-571) 2150633
Royal Danish Consulate in Bogota, Colombia - Cra. 10 no. 96-25, of. 611-612, Santa Fe de Bogota 8, D.C., Colombia (Source from Udenrigsministeriet, check following URL for update information) Tel: (1) 610-0798, 610-0887 Fax: (1) 610-0829  E-mail:
Royal Danish Consulate in Cartagena, Colombia - Cra. Nr. 8-110, of. 308, Centro Comercial Bocagrande, Cartagena, Colombia (Source from Udenrigsministeriet, check following URL for update information) Tel: (5) 665.65.62 Fax: (5) 665.76.72  E-mail:
Consulate of Dominican Republic in Cali, Colombia -Carrera 38 No. 6-23, 3 floor, Telephone: 011- 572 -557-1939 y 514-1760, 011- Fax: 572-683-6885  Email:
Consulate of Dominican Republic in Santa Marta, Colombia -Carrera 21 No. 15-99, los Bancos Building, Office 804, Telefono: (011-57-54) 33-526
Consulate of Dominican Republic in Bogotá, Colombia -Transversal 29 No. 120-59, Sta. Bárbara, Telephone: (011-57-1) 213-8645/629-1459/359-2560, Fax: (011-57-1) 520-1588 
Consulate General of Dominican Republic in Bogotá, Colombia - Cra 16 A No.86 A- 33  Office: 301, Bogotá, Colombia
Embassy of Ecuador in Bogotá, Colombia - Chancellery: 89 Street No. 13-07. P.o. Box: 088788 Bogota, Telephone: (00 571) 635 0322; (00 571) 618 5693 Fax: (00 571) 257 9799 Télex: 25977 
Consulate of Ecuador in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 11 No. 86-32, Office: 404 Telephone: (571) 530 4358 218 3526 Fax: (571) 218-3504 Email:
Consulate of Ecuador in Cartagena, Colombia -Gastelbondo Steet, office No. 18. Sto. Domingo Building. P.O. Box: 4255 Telephone:(95) 664 4168 Fax: (95) 660 0416
Consulate of Ecuador in Medellin, Colombia - 50 Steet No. 52-22 Ofc. 802  P.O. Box: 1522 Telephone: (94) 512 1193
Consulate of Ecuador in Ipiales, Colombia - 15 Steet No. 7-10 y Carrera 7. El Castillo Building Telephone: (005 727) 252292 Fax: (005 727) 25
Consulate of Ecuador in Pasto, Colombia - Carrera 24 No.19-33, Pasto-Plaza Building Office: 221 Telephone: (927) 234 026 Fax: (927) 234 026
Embassy of El Salvador in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 9 No. 80-15 Office: 503 Telephone: (011-571) 2125932 - 2110012  Fax: 2559482  P.O. Box:  89394
Embassy of France in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 11, n?93 - 12 apartado areo - 29611 Bogota Tel: 638 14 00 Fax: 638 14 30
Embassy of Germany in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 4 No. 72-35, Telephone: (011-571) 2120511/ 2120755 Fax: (011-571) 2104256
Embassy of Guatemala in Bogotá, Colombia - Tr 29A No. 139-A-41 Telephone: (011-571) 2580746  Fax: 2745365  P.O. Box: 90820
Embassy of Haiti in Bogotá, Colombia - 106 Steet No. 23-57 Telephone: (011-571) 2142927
Embassy of Holy See in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 15 No. 36-33  Telephone: (011-571) 3200289
Embassy of Honduras in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 16 No. 85-15 Office: 302 Telephone: (011-571)
2360357/6160856  Fax: 6160787
Embassy of Hungary in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 6 No. 77-64  Telephone: (011-571) 3471467
Embassy of India in Bogotá, Colombia - 71A Steet No. 6-30 Oficina 501 Telephone: (011-571) 2176954/ 2175143/2177299 Fax: 2127648
Embassy of Indonesia in Bogotá, Colombia - Tr 17 No. 101-14 Telephone: (011-571) 6222282/6222328/ 6222471/6222482/6222460/6222449/6222493  Fax: 6222406
Embassy of Iran in Bogotá, Colombia - 96 Steet No. 11-A-16 Telephone: (011-571)  6102204 Fax: 6102556
Embassy of Israel in Bogotá, Colombia - 35 Steet No. 7-25 Piso 14 Telephone: (011-571) 2320764
Embassy of Jamaica in Bogotá, Colombia - 100 Steet No. 8-A-55 Tower C Office 811 Telephone: (011-571) 6211873 Fax: 6211351
Embassy of Japan in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 9A No. 99-02 Piso 6  Telephone: (011-571) 6182800
Ambassador Home: Carrera 7A No. 88-15 Telephone: (011-571) 6110630  P.O. Box: 7407
Embassy of Lebanon in Bogotá, Colombia - 74 Steet No. 12-44  Telephone: (011-571) 2357792
Embassy of Malta in Bogotá, Colombia - Tr 19A No. 96-17   Telephone: (011-571) 2188997  2188985
Embassy of  Mexico in Bogotá, Colombia - Calle 82 No.9-25 PVDO.TIT.(571) 635-4428 Telephone: (571) 610-4070 256-6121, 218-1346 635-1373,SUMWE 236-6304, 218-1470 218-5693 Sec. Cons Telex: 41264 Mex Co Fax: (571) 218-5999 P.O.Box:  92300
Embassy of Holland in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 13 No. 93-40 Floor 5  Telephone: (011-571) 6115080 Fax: 6233020  P.O. Box: 4385
Embassy of Nicaragua in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 19 No. 106-91  Telephone: (011-571) 6128777/ 6122804/ 6120201
Embassy of Panama in Bogotá, Colombia - 92 Steet No. 7-70 Telephone: (011-571) 2575067/2574452    Fax: 2575068
Embassy of Paraguay in Bogotá, Colombia - 72 Steet No. 9-55 Office: 802  Telephone: (011-571)  2111527 Fax: 2110157
Embassy of Poland in Bogotá, Colombia - 104A Steet No. 23-48  Telephone: (011-571) 2140400 Fax: 2140854  P.O. Box: 101363
Embassy of Portugal in Bogotá, Colombia - Chancellery: Carrera 12 No. 93-37 Office: 302  Telephone: (011-571) 6221334 Fax: 6221134
Embassy of Romania in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 7 No. 92-58 Office 202  Telephone: (011-571) 2566438
Embassy of Russian Federation in Bogotá, Colombia - 78 Steet No. 7-56 Telephone: (011-571) 3454518
Embassy of Spain in Bogotá, Colombia - 92 Steet No. 12-68, Chancellery: 6161888 Consulate: 6181288 Culture: 6107381 Education: 6160407
Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana - Carrera 9 No. 70-A-35 Floor: 8 - 9 Telephone: (011-571) 2123543 - 2123866 - 2123299 - 3456889 - 3456938
Embassy of Switzerland in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 9 No. 74-08  Telephone: (011-571) 2555280
Embassy of Switzerland in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 9 No. 80-15  Floor 11  Telephone: (011-571)
2352968 Fax: 2172320
Commercial Office of Taipei in Bogotá, Colombia - Carrera 7, #79-75, Of.501, Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia, S.A. (Apartado Aereo No. 51620(Chapinero) Santafe de Bogota D.C. Colombia, S.A.) Tel: 2354713  Fax: 3145237
Embassy of the United States of America in Bogotá, Colombia - Calle 22D-Bis # 47-51 (Mailing: Carrera 45 # 22D-45 Bogo D.C. Colombia) Tel: 315-0811  Fax: 315-2197 E-mail:

Capital: Bogota
Total Area: 439,735.61 sq mi 1,138,910.00 sq km
Population: 39,685,655 (July 2000)
Estimated Population in 2050: 64,534,230
Languages: Spanish
Literacy: 91.3% total, 91.2% male, 91.4% female (1995)
Religions: Roman Catholic 90%
Life Expectancy: 66.43 male, 74.27 female (2000)
Government Type: republic
Currency: 1 Colombian peso (Col$) = 100 centavos
GDP (per capita): $6,200 (1999 est.)
International Airports: Santaf� de Bogot�(El Dorado), Medell�n, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, and San Andr�s.
Labor Force (by occupation)
services 46%, agriculture 30%, industry 24% (1990)
textiles, food processing, oil, clothing and footwear, beverages, chemicals, cement; gold, coal, emeralds
coffee, cut flowers, bananas, rice, tobacco, corn, sugarcane, cocoa beans, oilseed, vegetables; forest products; shrimp
petroleum, coffee, coal, gold, bananas, cut flowers
industrial equipment, transportation equipment, consumer goods, chemicals, paper products, fuels, electricity
Natural Resources
petroleum, natural gas, coal, iron ore, nickel, gold, copper, emeralds, hydropower
Environmental Issues
deforestation; soil damage from overuse of pesticides; air pollution, especially in Bogota, from vehicle emissions
Telephones (lines): 5,433,565 (Dec 1997)
Telephones (cellular): 1,800,229 (Dec 1998)
Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 13 (1999)

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