Campground Address:
Hiawatha NF, Manistique MI 49854
Campground Directions:
Primary access is off Forest Roads 2218 and 2436, with secondary access depending on which site is chosen. From the Intersection of US-2 and Forest Highway 13 (about 14 miles east of Rapid River), drive north 8.4 miles on Highway 13 to CR 442. Turn right (east) and drive 8 miles to FR 2218. Turn left (north) and drive 1.5 miles to the access to site #1. For sites 2-10 drive 1.4 miles from the intersection of CR 442 and FR 2218 to FR 2880. Turn right (east) and drive to the campsites.
Campground Details:
$, 10 sites, May-Nov, All ages, Tents, 40 ft max RV length, 760 ft elev, Accepts Big Rigs, pull thrus, grill, toilets, fish, trail, hike, dispersed, permit required, (C)
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