Campground Address:
Caddo-LBJ National Grasslands, Decatur TX 76234
Campground Directions:
From Decatur, follow U.S. Highway 81/287 north 4.5 miles, turn right on Wise County Road 2175 at the rest area, cross over RR tracks, go 1 mile and turn left on Old Decatur Road. Go 4 miles, turn right on CR 2372; then go 2 miles and turn left on CR 2461 for .5 mile. After crossing the bridge, turn left on FS Road 902 for .75 mile.
Campground Details:
$, All Year, No RVs, All ages, Tents Only Camp, 977 ft elev, toilets, boat launch, walk-in sites, primitive sites around recreation area (C)
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