Campground Address:
Tonto NF, Carefree AZ 85377
Campground Directions:
23 mi northeast of Carefree. From Carefree, take Cave Creek Road turn right on Bartlett Dam Road and continue for 6 mi to the junction of FR 205 and FR 19. At this junction, FR 205 turns left and becomes an unmaintained unpaved road. Follow FR 205 for 10 mitowards Horseshoe Reservoir. At the junction of FR 205 and FR 205A, turn right and travel an additional .5 mile to the site.
Campground Details:
$, 12 sites, Oct 1-May 14, All ages, Tents, 16 ft max RV length, 1900 ft elev, pet friendly, fish, trail, hike, (C)
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