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(Protect yourself, your health and your wallet)

Holiday Travel Tips To Ease the Hassles

Traveling for the holidays can be easier. Here is some help to avoid the headaches...More


Check the "Health" of your destination

Travel Health Online is a great resource for checking out the country you plan on visiting. It has country health summaries and travel medicine providers worldwide.    You can view it here.


AllStays Featurettes
Optimize your car for summer

Cleaning your garage? Your yard for summer? What about your car? Here are some tips for making your summer road trip a vacation and not a nightmare.

Know Your Rights: Being Walked

Lost your room? No rooms left even with a reservation? You are being "walked" as it is know in the industry. What are your rights and what should you ask for?


Need a one-way car rental?

Ever need to drive a car from one city to another?

You can save time (& money) and forget most of the car rental companies. We do not endorse any car rental companies but for some reason, National is the only big outlet that lets you drop a car off in a far away city without making a down payment, er...."drop-off" charge.

Taking the Aches Out of Travel

Everyone travels -- whether it is around the world, cross-country or to a neighboring town -- and loading the suitcase with everything one might need seems to be the norm. But these days, traveling can be a pain in the neck, literally.... More



Contact Resources

We assembled a list of contact information, website links and phone numbers for most all airlines, car rental agencies and cruise lines. View and bookmark it here.

     We've also listed embassy information for most of Europe so be sure to look for that on each countries main directory or click here. It is a good idea to print out the information for the countries you are visiting, in case a need arises.

A Few Quick Tips

Best time to book flights: Wednesday 1AM. Airlines are adjusting their rates, heading into the weekend deals, etc.... Prices are higher by Thursday morning.

Best time to walk-in to a hotel: Around 4 pm on a Sunday. Why? Staff is light and the "revenue management" guys (set the prices) are not there. You may get a clerk who just needs to sell a room.

"Blockage" can be embarrassing: When you check in, many hotels will imprint your credit card and "block" off a dollar amount for their use, in case you cause damage. This wild number may cause your card to be declined elsewhere. Use separate cards or one without a preset limit (AmEx, Diners, etc).

Try ethnic agents for specific travel: Heading to Korea? Try finding a Korean travel agent. They know the flights better and may find deals for you. Everyone books flights to Las Vegas. Argentina or Japan for example, are different and not booked as often.

Use specific aircraft numbers: Asking if your flight is on time is like asking if the sky is usually blue. Using FLIFO, you can ask about your specific airplane and flight. Asking about a specific flight or "aircraft 505" will get a more specific answer as to what city or country your plane is currently in while you wait.

Don't drink the water: Drinking water during flights is good. You need to stay hydrated as the altitude attempts to dry you out. Drink bottled water. Don't drink the airplanes water. It comes from a holding tank with all kinds of chemicals mixed in with it over time.

"What's the load?" Asking this is much better than asking if the "plane is full" and it will increase your chance of getting an upgrade or perk.

Leave your tv or radio on in your room: If you are concerned about your hotel room, leave the TV on. Maybe even include the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. Only maid service will intrude on all the noise.

Migrating cars saves money: Mysteriously, national rental cars move to and from places like Florida and Arizona a couple times each year following the prey, er...tourists. If it fits your move or car needs, you can get these "drive-away" deals for a song, even less than $10 a day.

Pay the cabbie, not the mini-bar: Have the cab driver stop at a convenience store or supermarket. Buy whatever sodas and snacks you may want and create your own low priced mini-bar. $6 soda's add up quicker than the taxi meter. You could even instruct the front desk or bellman to empty the mini-bar for you so you won't get charged. Put your stuff in it instead.


Planning a National Park visit ?

Book your nights EARLY. Most lodging inside the National Parks is extremely limited and they fill up around 6 months or more in advance. There is usually other independent lodging available closer to your travel date but not by much. Even if you're camping, reserve your spot early. Best place to look for information is the official Park Service web site right here. However, the majority of the site was recently suspended for unknown government reasons.

Security: Leaving home for a little while?

While many people recommend putting your mail/paper on hold while you are away, we cautiously disagree. What better way for a professional burglar to find out what house is vacant and for how long than the post office or the newspaper? This information is most likely secure but if you have a close friend or neighbor who can reliably pick up your mail and paper every day you are away, please have them do so. The daily deliveries stop at your house everyday just like normal and no service employee has information of your time away. Related note, use an office address or just a phone number on your luggage tags. No need to tell everyone at the airport that you're away from home and where it is.

Considering a European tour ?

If you want to experience Europe, and we highly recommend that you do, we recommend getting a couple good guidebooks and doing it yourself. However, tours are quite popular today and many people feel safer on them. You'll also probably see a few more sites per week because transportation and hotel worries our taken care of for you. But you'll lose flexibility. You may also be taken on a long bus ride to a string of sales pitches and kickbacks. We know because we've done them.

To experience real Europe, without a bunch of sales hype or single supplement charges, consider Rick Steves Europe Through the Back Door Tours. You may have seen the shows on PBS or the books, including the best selling guidebook ever. Find them here at .


Internet Hotel Ratings Causing Confusion for Consumers, Says AAA

The vast amount of information that makes the Internet so attractive to travelers also is causing confusion when it comes to choosing a lodging online, AAA said today... More


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